Monday, February 8, 2010

What is Treasure Hunting

Treasure Hunting is supernatural evangelism. The “treasure” are people God wants to touch. We seek God’s direction through prayer and listening to His still small voice. Then we write down the clues He gives (words of knowledge). We seek Him for locations, descriptions of the people, names, prayer needs they might have, and anything unusual we need to find them. We then take these clues and search out God's hidden treasure.

The treasure gets to encounter the living God through His people with the result many are saved, healed, delivered, and encouraged. As a side benefit, the treasure hunter gets to have a lot of fun and see God work miracles right in front of our eyes.

We learned how to “treasure hunt” by reading Kevin Dedmon’s book, The Ultimate Treasure Hunt: A Guide to Supernatural Evangelism Through Supernatural Encounters.

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