Sunday, January 23, 2011

Treasure Hunting in Church, Kathy’s Story

Jan 16, 2011

Over the past few years, the Lord's healing has manifested in much of my body.  But pain kept returning in my right hip, knee, the bases of my thumbs, and my right foot (due to a bunion), plus the cataracts in my eyes had not yet cleared up.  Also, earlier in the week my husband and I had just found out we had water under our house and were given an estimate for $20,000 in repairs, plus our whole upstairs needed work which would amount to about $10,000.

Dave came to me last Sunday on a treasure hunt.  When he showed me the clues--word of knowledge--the Lord gave him and his partner, all NINE described me--including "house damage"!   My heart leapt when I realized that the Lord spoke to them specifically about me and that He wanted to bless me with more healing.  Immediately, the pain in my bunion--which was at about a 7--went down to around a 2.  And they hadn't even started praying yet!

I told Dave and Julie how the pain went down in my foot, so they started praying for the bunion first.  Soon the pain left completely.  As they continued to pray, I felt a gentle warmth and mild tingling sensation travel from my feet up my legs and into my hip.  The bunion joint had been stiff for months, and I hadn't been able to bend it forward or backward much without shooting pain.  After a few more minutes of prayer, the best way I can describe it is that the first toe joint felt "alive" and I wanted to wiggle and bend it.  So I did, and now I was able to bend it all the way forward and back with NO PAIN whatsoever!  Then I noticed that a mild nagging pain at the base of my thumbs was gone. 

The Lord's gentle warmth was still saturating my legs and hips, and I could now do deep knee bends without knee pain or needing to hold on!  Praise the Lord!  When we were finished praying Dave gave me a printed piece of paper with his blog address on it.  I could read it without my glasses!  My cataracts were a little bit clearer!  They are not completely clear, but they have noticeably improved.  Glory to God!   As I was traveling home, I realized that God strengthened my right hip during the prayer, too, because I was able to leap up stairs carrying a backpack without even holding on!   All thanks and praise to God! 

One other Word from the Lord was on Dave's list:  "lonely."  I had been trying to find fellowship and a church that believes God for His Word and acts on it.  In my home town, He has given me a prayer partner (which is why we have received so much healing these past few years), but that is all.  "Are we the only ones in this area?" we have often wondered.  A month ago I walked into Columbia Foursquare and found people who genuinely believe God's promises, and I started to get to know some of you wonderful people.  When I came for the second time last Sunday, I felt very much connected to this body of believers, and the loneliness disappeared.  Even though I don't live in the Tri-Cities and come here only once a month, the Lord has given me a church home full of strong believers to connect with.  God is Good

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

“There’s My Eagle!”

Jan 15, 2011

“There’s my eagle!” exclaimed Colby, the 10 year old boy on our treasure hunt team. He had spotted a bald eagle head on a ladies coat as she and another lady drove past on motorized carts. We were in the Kennewick Walmart store. We finally caught up with them in an isle of the grocery section. After they stopped we approached the lady with the eagle picture on her back and told her we believed she was on our treasure map. After explaining what we were up to, I started going through the rest of our clues (words of knowledge). I asked if she had hip pain. She said he hips were killing her. “How about knee pain”, I asked. Yes again. I also had the clue of joint pain. Her sister in the cart following her then said that they both suffered from osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease. Both of them were in pain.

After asking permission to pray for them, Colby was up. It was his clue that led us to this lady with the eagle clue, so I had him pray for her. He commanded the pain to go and prayed for healing to come in the name of Jesus. I then asked the second lady if I could pray for her. She asked prayer for her neck which was in extreme pain. I asked her, from a scale of 1 to 10, what her pain level was. She said it was a nine. I laid my hand on the back of her neck and command the pain to leave in Jesus name and invited Holy Spirit to come. I had her check it out by moving her neck around. She reported the pain level had dropped to a two. After praying one more time, the pain was totally gone. Yea God!

About that time, her sister in the other cart reported that all the pain had left her back! Awesome! There is no junior Holy Spirit. Colby’s prayer had been answered as well.

They then asked for one more prayer. Would we pray for their other sister? She had been diagnosed with brain cancer. I took both of their hands in mine and we had church right there in the grocery isle of Walmart.

Holy Spirit had led a 10 year old boy to Jesus’ hidden treasure and then poured His healing love on them. Just think of it; the God of the universe lets his people partner with what He wants to do, LOVE.