Saturday, April 24, 2010

“That was God”

My friend Greg organized a treasure hunt Sunday after church and we met at South Hills Church on 27th Ave.  Enough people for two teams joined the fun.  For me, this was one of the most powerful times I have experienced, ever.  Our team had location clues of Starbucks and Walmart.  The word of knowledge that turned out to be common with all three of the groups of people that Greg and I prayed for was "diabetes".  When I shared this clue with our team, Greg mentioned that one of the youth pastors of his church had been diagnosed with diabetes just a couple of weeks before.

Team member, Robbie, said we were to go to Starbucks first and then Walmart.  When we arrived at Starbucks, there were only two customers there:  the diabetic youth pastor that Greg had just mentioned 15 minutes earlier, and his assistant.  We told him that he was on our treasure map.  We had an awesome prayer time on the sidewalk outside of the Starbucks during which we commanded the diabetes to go and we prayed for the healing power of God to come.

The next evening, Greg ran into this pastor at the church showing everyone his iPhone.  He had on app loaded on it that tracks his blood sugar levels. Up to the time we prayed for him his levels were from 265 to 496, depending on diet.  But, after healing prayer, the blood sugar levels had dropped to the 120 range.  The diabetes had also damaged his eyes to the point that he had to start wearing glasses but after prayer his eyes cleared up and the glasses were no longer needed.  This young pastor left for a conference in California during which he texted Greg to tell him he had started to eat stuff like cookies and there was no change to his blood sugar levels.  He could not do this before.  God is awesome!

The next place on our map was Walmart where our group of four split into two teams. Greg and I were together. Some clues that led our team to the next encounter were:  ladybug, yellow/green, bicycle, knee problem, diabetes, name that started with "M", and a "5 pointed star".  Ladybug had to be one of the weirdest clues ever.  We went to the gardening section of the store with no results.  Turning right after leaving the garden section and next to the "bicycle" aisle, I spotted a young man wearing a "yellow/green" hat.  As we walked over to talk to him, I noticed he had a "5-pointed star" tattooed on his arm.  Things were really getting interesting now.  His name was "M"ike and he had problems with his "knees".  His step-mom was with him and she was very negative about what was happening. I asked Mike if he knew anyone suffering from "diabetes."  He pointed to his step-mom and said "she does."  At that point she said that "this is very weird" and walked away.  I think she was a little afraid because what was going on was supernatural.  By this time Mike was into it.  He let us pray for healing of his knees and we prophesied into his life.  The step-mom came back and I commanded the diabetes to leave her body and the kingdom of God to come over her.  She was about 6 feet away.  As we left, Greg heard the mom tell her step-son, "That was God."

The next family we prayed for also had a 5-pointed star tattoo, the letter of her name, diabetes, and four other clues.  The prayer time was amazing. 

The kingdom of God had come into the Walmart store.

Remember the "ladybug" clue?  Orin was the one that received this word of knowledge.  Guess what?  As Robbie and Orin were walking around the other part of Walmart, a real ladybug landed on Orin's shoulder.  What are the odds of that?  God has an awesome sense of humor!

A New Chapter….

We've started a new chapter in this great adventure in the kingdom of God. On Thursday nights, we meet with the Kennewick Healing Rooms staff.  They meet at The Bridge Church, and pray for the sick and hurting.  After prayer and a time of entering into the presence of Holy Spirit with the Healing Rooms staff, we have started "Treasure Hunting" on the streets of downtown Kennewick.  There are many taverns, clubs, tattoo parlors, and small business in the old part of downtown Kennewick.

Tonight Roger and I went out.  The first treasure we found fit the clues of “long blondish hair", "plaid top," "lamp post," and "relationship issue."  As soon as we went out the front door of the church, Roger spotted her a half-block away and he knew she was on our treasure map.  She and another woman were taking a smoke break outside one of the taverns not far from a lamp post.  After sharing with her how much God loved her, she wanted prayer for some relationship issues with her boy friend and someone at her work place.  It was a good start for the evening.

Next we walked by a small business that was closed for the day but still had people inside.  Roger saw a couple he knew and they let us in to visit.  There were two other guys there who were working on a motorcycle.  One had a "light tan top" and his name started with a "T". I called him over and told him I believed he was on our Treasure Map.  I asked him if he was having problems with his "left knee" and he said he had injured it about a year before. With that word of knowledge he opened up and told me about his life.  His was a life of pain, prison, and brokenness.  He was really trying to straighten up his life.  He let me pray a prayer of healing for his knee.  During that prayer I also felt led to pray for his finances which he later said was a really big issue for him at the present time.  The presence of God was in that place.  During the time I was praying with "T", Roger prayed for the other three people in the store.  Awesome!