Saturday, April 2, 2011

Have You Been Reading My Facebook?

Mar 31, 2011

Cindy and I, as a prayer team, had just watched a ladies pain level drop from a “12” (her words) on a scale of 1 to 10, to zero! She had suffered from pain in multiple parts of her body. The pain was replaced with joy as Holy Spirit touched every part of her. I am part of the Healing Rooms prayer team that meets on Thursday nights in downtown Kennewick.

Back in the prayer room, I decided to go on a treasure hunt and Cindy wanted to join me. We got some treasure maps, prayed, wrote down the words of knowledge Holy Spirit gave us, and took off down the sidewalk. I believed there were some people God really wanted to touch tonight and it was our job to find them.

Outside, among the bars and clubs, the sounds of a Thursday night were quite different than inside the Healing Rooms. Instead of praise and worship music, we were bombarded with misc. curse words as we walked along. It was difficult tonight. We were finding some of our clues but the people were not open for prayer. We did pray for a woman with a soft cast on her wrist believing for a miracle, but she reported no change after we had prayed for her. Bummer. We continued on. I found the guy wearing the black boots, one of my clues. After he understood that the “treasure” we were looking for was someone God wanted to bless, he said “f*** Him” and walked away. We were about ready to go back in the healing rooms when we spotted a group of three guys just ahead of us not far from a tavern. One of the guys had some yellow/gold colors on his jacket. Maybe these are the guys we are looking for. We stopped them and told them what we up to. One of their names, Matt (he soon left) matched one of our clues. As we read them our other clues, family problem (father), sadness/depression, need for a job, and ankle pain, we realized the other two young men, Levi and Shannon, were God’s treasure we had been looking for.

We prayed for Levi first. After telling him about our good God and Father and sharing that He will never let us down as our earthly fathers do, I asked him to hold out his hand. I held my hand about 3” above his and invited Holy Spirit to make his presence known to him so he would know that God is real. His hand started to get warm as God touched him. Levi’s ankle had been shattered and because of the plates and screws, the pain never left. He told us his ankle always hurt. Cindy and I laid our hands on his ankle and commanded the pain to leave and in about 30 seconds, Levi was telling his friend that all the pain was now gone! Awesome God! You are awesome!

Then Cindy prayed and prophesied over Shannon. He got rocked with her words. He asked, “Have you guys been reading my Facebook?” as Holy Spirit began to give Cindy the words for him. Then we prayed for both of them to find jobs (another clue).

The glory of God had found us on the sidewalk a short distance from the tavern. God, you are so faithful. I love you.

P.S. Levi and Shannon, email me, there’s more!

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