Tuesday, August 17, 2010

An Adventure Into The Unknown

August 5, 2010

It’s the 1st Thursday of the month again. That means Art Walk in downtown Kennewick. There is usually more people downtown for the art display, along with the bar and club patrons. On this Thursday night God lead us to pray with about 10 people. I'm amazed every time he leads us to just the right people at just the right time. Treasure Hunting is always an adventure into the unknown. I will share a couple of tonight’s encounters.

Sitting on a bench across the street from us were two ladies. One of them was wearing a dress with the colors, yellow/gold/orange which were clues on our treasure maps. We crossed the street and started sharing with them that we were Treasure Hunting and we believed they were the ones on our map. The other lady on the bench had tattoos on her back and shoulder. On one of our maps was a drawing of her tattoo. It was almost an exact copy. The stickman art on the map also pointed to the location of places in their bodies that were giving them problems. One was the lower neck/upper spine and the other was the right foot/ankle. One of the ladies was named Stacy and we had the name that start with an S as a name clue.

That’s when one of them said, "I've heard about Treasure Hunters." It turns out some of us had led one of her family members to the Lord about 18 months earlier during a previous Treasure Hunt. We had found him in Home Depot. It was the first time I had ever, start to finish, lead someone to the Lord in all my years as a believer. The words of knowledge led us to him; he had an encounter with the living God, and asked Jesus into his life. I can still remember the weird clues Holy Spirit gave us to find him. I get goose bumps just thinking about that encounter. The God of the Universe used me to bring one of His creations home!

We prayed for healing for them both and the one with the foot problem said that her foot was getting hot. God was touching her and she could feel Him. We had just had another encounter with the presence of Holy Spirit.

We continued down the sidewalk. As we were walking by, Terry asked a guy about to enter a pub if his name was Carl. He said "yes". We also had the clues of gray shirt and flag. The flag was on his gray shirt. Then he told us he was fooling with us and that his real name was Ed. Too late, God had already opened the door. We also had a couple of weird clues of sparkle/sparkly on two different maps. The lady with Ed had a blue top and had suffered with knee pain after a long work day. What really got her attention was that she was an electrician and had the nickname of "Sparky. They both let us pray for them before they entered the pub and we got to tell them about the love of God and the good news of Jesus.

What we had experienced another night of what’s "normal” in God's kingdom.

1 comment:

  1. oh how wonderful. God is soo good. I am overjoyed to hear what God is doing. it is crazy to know the kind of God that we serve and to feel his love. I just cant get past it. Thank you for continually sharing Jesus in these stories and to me. :) you are a real blessing
