Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Angel Phone Call - Leavenworth Part 2

The last stop just before we left for home was a meat market named "Cured, by Visconti" as Roger wanted to buy some meat. Teri and Roger went in while Julie and I sat on the bench outside. While there, Teri heard an employee call out to her manager "Brandon" just before he left the store.  Teri stopped him before he could go because she had his name, Brandon, on her treasure map.
This is the part that rocked us and I don't what to do with.  As Teri was explaining what we were doing, Treasure Hunting, Brandon asked where she was from.  She said she was from the Tri-Cities.  Then he asked, “Are you the one that called about bringing me a treasure map and being here to interview me?”  He said someone from the Tri-Cities called him and was going to come and interview him and leave him a treasure map, but they never showed up. The person called on Wednesday, and he didn’t remember a name so he thought it was us.

He turned out to be a Christian who, because of work, wasn’t going to church as much as he wanted to, and he had a bad back.  So Teri got to pray for his back and speak into his life about praying and sharing Jesus as he goes.  AND, we left him a treasure map just like the person on the phone said would happen.

We had no other clues to find him other than his name.  This was the last place we visited just a few minutes before heading for home.

The part I haven’t wrapped my mind’s around is this – who was it that called Brandon four days before we found him. Brandon didn’t even know anyone from the Tri-Cities. Who was it who called, an angel or ???

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