Monday, January 16, 2012

A Scary Success!

It’s Thursday and I got a call from Roger about going to downtown Kennewick tonight. He hadn’t eaten dinner and suggested we go we eat in one of the bars and see what God was up to. That sounded good to me as it was really cold out on the sidewalk. When I met up with him I suggested we go into the “Players Sports Bar” as we had seen Holy Spirit touch so many people outside this bar in the past. He said that he had a picture in his mind of a “Corona” sign and we need to go there. The “Parkade Bar and Grill” has a Corona sign over the door. Parkade Bar it was then.

I had a small treasure map in my pocket that I had filled out for church the preceding Sunday but hadn’t had an opportunity to use it. Looking inside the tavern I thought maybe Roger was off on his clue; the place was empty except for the barmaid.

But!! - I had the color orange as a clue on my treasure map and the waitress had a solid orange dress on.  We went in and sat down, and when she came over to take our order, we started telling her about treasure hunting, and that her orange dress was a clue.  I then asked her if she had problems with her stomach/abdominal areas as this was also one of my clues.  She said, "This is weird,” and then proceeded to tell how she had stomach problems since having her kid.  We got to pray for her physical healing and bless her with the love of Jesus. We ordered our burgers, and while we ate the bar started filling up

As we ate three young guys in their 20's came in and sat at the bar.  Two of the three were wearing orange on their clothes. One had orange on his coat but the other guy had orange and green tennis shoes. One of my unusual clues was orange/green shoes.  It had to be that guy. What are the odds of running into someone with orange/green tennis shoes?

It took me about half of a burger to get my courage up enough to approach these guys. They were drinking hard liquor with beer backers. I felt totally out of place. The chicken line I had to cross felt 10 feet wide. I forced myself to take a risk of faith. What if???

One of my other clues was wrist pain. Guess what? The guy with the odd colored shoes – it was him. On a scale of 1 – 10, his pain level was a 5. While the other two guys were snickering and making flippant remarks, I asked him if I could pray for his wrist. He said go ahead. I lay my hand on his wrist and said a very short prayer. “Thank You, Papa – in Jesus name!” That was it. I had him check it out and all the pain was gone! The Kingdom of God had just invaded. The snickering friends all the sudden were very quiet. “Will it come back?”, he asked. He let me pray again as I declared complete healing over his wrist and I got to share the love of Jesus with him. WOW!

Our first adventure into the bars had been a scary success! Roger had heard Holy Spirit right on the money and the Kingdom of God has been advanced in downtown Kennewick.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

When Pigs Fly – Leavenworth Part 1

A weekend get away to the resort town of Leavenworth, WA, should be fun. Two couples, Roger and Teri, and Julie and I decided to go on a weekend to just shop, hang out, eat out every meal, and just have a couple of days of R&R. Saturday was just plain fun and we decided to add some “treasure hunting” to our Sunday shopping J Roger wrote up the whole weekend so I will just include some of his account so I won’t have to type so much. Below is his account of the “Flying Pig” clue.

“What a day in Leavenworth! Teri and I were there with Dave and Julie. Teri and I prayed and did treasure maps this morning. Teri had some pretty unusual clues; flying pigs, and orange tree. About 10:30 we went into downtown and resumed shopping from Sat. Teri went into a little mall like place and there was a store in the very back (Exuberance). I went to the back to see where` she was and she was talking to the store owner “Carl”. She had found the flying pig (!!) and was telling Carl about treasure hunting. Carl told her he was “spiritual” but didn’t believe in Jesus. So Teri was sharing about Jesus. As, first me, then David and Julie, came in we found there were more clues. Teri had “large orange tree” and over the door was a big print with a large orange tree! David had clues about a daughter and Teri and I both had lower back. We prayed for his back and the pain went from 5 to nothing. We got to share Jesus and he was (so were we, flying pig?) pretty well blown away.”When pigs fly
Here is part of Roger’s account of a ladies knees getting healed. We didn’t even have to pray for her. We just gave her some papers we had already prayed over. God can do more than we can ask or think!

“One of the things we prayed for before we started was the treasure coming to us. Where we were standing in this shop was pretty close quarters. As the guy in the black was exiting on our left side the next treasure was arriving on our right side. I also had on my map someone wearing all blue with light blue on top and someone whose name started with a J. She (Judy) walked up in front of Dave and I and I told her she was on my treasure map. I showed her my map and she was pretty blown away but said it was her knees that were giving her the most problem. David reaches into his pocket and whips out a knee picture and I reached in my wallet and whip out a “left knee and right knee” paper and we both told her to lay them on her knees. She did and said “my knees are getting warm!” “This is something else?!” The pain left and she had an amazed look on her face.”

These were just two of a string of amazing encounters. We prayed for a bunch of people and four of those reported to us that their pain/injury was healed immediately after prayer.

The Angel Phone Call - Leavenworth Part 2

The last stop just before we left for home was a meat market named "Cured, by Visconti" as Roger wanted to buy some meat. Teri and Roger went in while Julie and I sat on the bench outside. While there, Teri heard an employee call out to her manager "Brandon" just before he left the store.  Teri stopped him before he could go because she had his name, Brandon, on her treasure map.
This is the part that rocked us and I don't what to do with.  As Teri was explaining what we were doing, Treasure Hunting, Brandon asked where she was from.  She said she was from the Tri-Cities.  Then he asked, “Are you the one that called about bringing me a treasure map and being here to interview me?”  He said someone from the Tri-Cities called him and was going to come and interview him and leave him a treasure map, but they never showed up. The person called on Wednesday, and he didn’t remember a name so he thought it was us.

He turned out to be a Christian who, because of work, wasn’t going to church as much as he wanted to, and he had a bad back.  So Teri got to pray for his back and speak into his life about praying and sharing Jesus as he goes.  AND, we left him a treasure map just like the person on the phone said would happen.

We had no other clues to find him other than his name.  This was the last place we visited just a few minutes before heading for home.

The part I haven’t wrapped my mind’s around is this – who was it that called Brandon four days before we found him. Brandon didn’t even know anyone from the Tri-Cities. Who was it who called, an angel or ???


I was invited to share some healing/treasure hunt stories with the college age home group from South Hills Church of Kennewick. There were about 10 young people and Val the group leader. Myself and a friend, Anna, shared how we got into treasure hunting (prophetic evangelism), and stories of what we have seen God do through us. After sharing many supernatural testimonies we were invited to pray for any sick or hurting in the group. One young man was suffering from chronic pain from fibromyalgia and bad disks in his back. His pain level was a “7”. I drafted one of the young ladies from the group who had never prayed for the sick before. I had her lay her hand on the young man’s neck and back, and had her command pain to leave in Jesus name. The pain level dropped to a “3”. After another prayer the pain left. Yeah God!

Some of the healing stories I shared with the group concerned pictures of body parts I printed out from the internet. These were mainly pictures sore backs, elbow, neck, and knees. I would then pray that the next person I gave the paper to would be healed of the condition shown on the paper. Sounds weird but I had seen four people healed in this manner. If it worked for the Apostle Paul it will work for any believer. The scripture basis for this is Acts 19:12. Remember this paragraph because what follows next is what happened the next day in a classroom with two of the young ladies who were in this home group. The following is from an email from Rachael:

“… so my friend Miranda has had a lot of neck pain the last few weeks or so. Today she was in so much pain in the middle of class that she was about in tears. She told Nikole and I about it and Nikole goes "Man, where's Dave with those pictures when you need him?"

And I realized that we don't need to print them off. So I grabbed a piece of paper, wrote "NECK PAIN" on it then started quietly praying over it; that God would heal the next person who has neck pain and touches it. Then I gave it to Nikole and told her to pray.

She thought it was really funny and didn't want to at first, but I got her to. She prayed and I told her to give it to Miranda. She was like "NO NO WE"RE IN CLASS WE CAN"T" and she told me to give it to her. SO I snatched it away and passed it to Miranda WITHOUT telling her what it was for. She was super confused, but I told her to put it on her neck and she did. Then I told her to move her neck around and she did. She stopped and looked confused then moved it again and again.

Then in the middle of our class she just about yells, "WHAT THE FREAK?!?!?!" Nikole and I just start laughing so hard that we had tears running down our faces. She's sitting there messing with her neck freaking out, Nikole and I are laughing uncontrollably, and the teacher has pretty much given up on us and was just trying to pretend that our side of the class room didn't exist anymore... it was the best. Her neck is not nearly as bad as it was if it even hurts at all..... BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!!