My sister Terry is a fairly new treasure hunter. She was a witness of the Navy Seal that got his leg and feet healed in Walmart (See previous post). After what she saw she was determined to start praying for her patients at work. As she is a registered nurse, she is around sick people every work day. She asked her boss, a Buddhist doctor, for permission to pray for their patients. He said it was Ok only if they asked for prayer. He allowed her to put a very small sign on her desk stating, “Will pray, if asked”. Over the last month she prays on an average of from five to eleven different patents each Wednesday. The following testimony is from one of them.
On January 27, 2010, my left shoulder was extremely painful and I felt as though there was ice water flowing through my veins. I had been feeling very ill for the past few weeks. I was also suffering other symptoms and pain.
I had seen Terry, RN, in her office for a refill for my medications. At the end of my visit, I requested she pray with me. She laid her hands lightly on my left shoulder and began to call upon God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We agreed in prayer for my healing from the pain and for the coldness in my body.
Slowly, shortly after we began our prayers, there was warmth radiating from my left shoulder throughout my body. It was the first time in several weeks that I felt warm. The heat continued to build and Terry’s hands became very warm too. We both felt the heat from God in answer to our prayers.
The pain in my shoulder was gone and I was able to raise it above my head. This had been impossible before our prayers. The cold feeling throughout my body was gone too.
I am thankful to God for answered prayer and for those like Terry, who are willing to pray for and with us.
Sheila A.
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