Saturday, the 20th my friend Gregg and I did a teaching for the youth group at The Bridge church, Richland, WA. A good time was had by all. We tried to have some experienced treasure hunters team up with those that had never been exploring with God by “Treasure Hunting.” After the teaching and prayer time we received our “clues”, split up into three large teams and headed out for a one hour treasure hunt. I will share just a few of our stories.
One team started at a local Fred Myer store, with clues of “garden department, flowing water, shrubs, brown hair/medium build and the number seven”. One young man on the team heard one of the cashiers tell her manager “I’ve only had seven customers”. With that clue the young man knew he had found his “treasure”. Two employees of that store were on their “treasure map” and received prayer.
By the local Spud Nut donut shop, a couple of young ladies were found using a variety of clues. Terry laid her hand and prayed for a heart issue with one. The other young lady fit the clues of “knee pain and runner”. When she was asked if she also wanted prayer she said that she was an atheist. She was told that God loved atheists and that He would heal atheists too. After healing prayer, this young atheist asked for prayer for a new job, but not at McDonalds. Even an atheist is one divine encounter away from a world view change.
The next team had a location of Walmart. The color of purple seemed to be a theme for the appearance of the people we were looking for. That color led us to pray for three people. We also had a clue of “left ankle”. We found a lady on crutches. We found out she had broken her left ankle. The two high school students on our team laid their hands on her ankle and prayed the prayer of faith over her. Then this ladies husband shared that he was suffering from a badly swollen left ankle as well and was in stage four prostate cancer. We got to share the love of Christ with this family and pray for their physical healing as well. Awesome!
Our third group prayed for five different groups or individuals. They had some clues of Uptown (a shopping area) a nail shop (fingernails that is) pink sweatshirt, leg pain, and four legged cane. They found almost all of these listed clues and others in just one person. It was a divine encounter.
This is just a partial list of the people God led us to. As close as I can count, 21 people received prayer, encountered Holy Spirit, and got to hear about the love of Christ before we ran out of time.