Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Bridge - Richland

Saturday, the 20th my friend Gregg and I did a teaching for the youth group at The Bridge church, Richland, WA. A good time was had by all. We tried to have some experienced treasure hunters team up with those that had never been exploring with God by “Treasure Hunting.” After the teaching and prayer time we received our “clues”, split up into three large teams and headed out for a one hour treasure hunt. I will share just a few of our stories.

One team started at a local Fred Myer store, with clues of “garden department, flowing water, shrubs, brown hair/medium build and the number seven”. One young man on the team heard one of the cashiers tell her manager “I’ve only had seven customers”. With that clue the young man knew he had found his “treasure”. Two employees of that store were on their “treasure map” and received prayer.

By the local Spud Nut donut shop, a couple of young ladies were found using a variety of clues. Terry laid her hand and prayed for a heart issue with one. The other young lady fit the clues of “knee pain and runner”. When she was asked if she also wanted prayer she said that she was an atheist. She was told that God loved atheists and that He would heal atheists too. After healing prayer, this young atheist asked for prayer for a new job, but not at McDonalds. Even an atheist is one divine encounter away from a world view change.

The next team had a location of Walmart. The color of purple seemed to be a theme for the appearance of the people we were looking for. That color led us to pray for three people. We also had a clue of “left ankle”. We found a lady on crutches. We found out she had broken her left ankle. The two high school students on our team laid their hands on her ankle and prayed the prayer of faith over her. Then this ladies husband shared that he was suffering from a badly swollen left ankle as well and was in stage four prostate cancer. We got to share the love of Christ with this family and pray for their physical healing as well. Awesome!

Our third group prayed for five different groups or individuals. They had some clues of Uptown (a shopping area) a nail shop (fingernails that is) pink sweatshirt, leg pain, and four legged cane. They found almost all of these listed clues and others in just one person. It was a divine encounter.

This is just a partial list of the people God led us to. As close as I can count, 21 people received prayer, encountered Holy Spirit, and got to hear about the love of Christ before we ran out of time.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Growing Revival, One Person at a Time

My sister Terry is a fairly new treasure hunter.  She was a witness of the Navy Seal that got his leg and feet healed in Walmart (See previous post).  After what she saw she was determined to start praying for her patients at work.  As she is a registered nurse, she is around sick people every work day.  She asked her boss, a Buddhist doctor, for permission to pray for their patients.  He said it was Ok only if they asked for prayer.  He allowed her to put a very small sign on her desk stating, “Will pray, if asked”.  Over the last month she prays on an average of from five to eleven different patents each Wednesday.  The following testimony is from one of them.


On January 27, 2010, my left shoulder was extremely painful and I felt as though there was ice water flowing through my veins. I had been feeling very ill for the past few weeks. I was also suffering other symptoms and pain.

I had seen Terry, RN, in her office for a refill for my medications. At the end of my visit, I requested she pray with me. She laid her hands lightly on my left shoulder and began to call upon God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We agreed in prayer for my healing from the pain and for the coldness in my body.

Slowly, shortly after we began our prayers, there was warmth radiating from my left shoulder throughout my body. It was the first time in several weeks that I felt warm. The heat continued to build and Terry’s hands became very warm too. We both felt the heat from God in answer to our prayers.

The pain in my shoulder was gone and I was able to raise it above my head. This had been impossible before our prayers. The cold feeling throughout my body was gone too.

I am thankful to God for answered prayer and for those like Terry, who are willing to pray for and with us.

Sheila A.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bethel School of Supernatural Evangelism Part 3

Two of the gifts of the Spirit that were demonstrated at this conference were the prophetic and words of knowledge.  The prophetic is basically calling out the gold in a person's life.  It is used for strengthening, encouragement and comfort (1Cor 14:3).  A word of knowledge is a bit of knowledge that is obtained from God to reach a person supernaturally.  I really wanted to be activated in both of these spiritual gifts while here.

One of my clues that I received on a treasure hunt were the colors of green and purple.  I was looking for someone wearing these two colors.  I had no luck finding these clues during two previous treasure hunts.  I saved my treasure map and kept it with me for two days looking for who it might be for.  I went out to lunch with a group of five from the conference including a student from Bethel Church.  He demonstrated the prophetic for us by ministering to a young man on the sidewalk in front of a group of retail stores that included Cold Stone, an ice cream store.  I did approach a young lady that had some purple/green coloring in her hair with my old treasure map.  I was shot down in flames.  One of the ladies in our group said that the young lady I approached probably thought that I was just hitting on her. Maybe next time I should take a female with me to help when approaching a young woman.

That afternoon we were taught on some of the ways we receive words of knowledge.  One way is "it's not your pain".  If you suddenly have an unusual pain that you didn't have before, it could be a pain in someone in the area you have just entered.

We were released for dinner so my sister Terry, her husband Roger and I decided to try to find our way to the retail stores where I had lunch earlier in the day, and to get dinner there as well.  As were got out of the car I noticed 3 teenaged guys setting up to play music on the sidewalk.  One of them had a green plaid shirt and the other had a purple plaid shirt.  After two days of searching I had finally found my clues.  It was these three teens.  We approached them and I told them that I had been looking for them for two days.  At the same time Roger and Terry both got a sick feeling in their stomachs.  We asked them if they need prayer for anything.  At first they said no.  Then one of the young men (he was wearing all black, was smoking, and even had his fingernails painted black) said that he had a sore throat and that his friend was suffering from food poisoning and had stomach pain.  Just an hour earlier, we had been taught about receiving a word of knowledge in this manner and now Terry and Roger were experiencing it.  Wow! The door was now open for us.

We prayed for their healing and then I prophesied over them.  The words just flowed.  The more I spoke the more the words seem to come.  God was using me to speak to these three young men.  Wow.  This stuff they are teaching us really works.  The six of us had an encounter with the living God right there on the sidewalk.