Monday, December 6, 2010

…. call 911


It’s Art Walk night in downtown Kennewick. It’s been a month since we went out so I was really looking forward to what God was going to do. Because the Bridge Church and Healing Rooms were closed tonight we decided to meet and pray at Roger and Terry’s home before going downtown to share the gospel of the kingdom. I even had Walmart as a clue tonight. It was going to be an awesome night. You won’t guess where we all ended up; the emergency room at Kennewick General Hospital.

While Terry and I were getting clues (words of knowledge) for our treasure maps, Roger went up on the roof of the new shop he was building to spread out a couple of tarps to keep any more snow and ice off of it. Terry mentioned to me that she didn’t feel good about him going up on that roof in the dark, with all the ice and snow. A couple minutes later she got a call on her cell phone from Roger for her to call 9-1-1. He had fallen from the roof and injured his back. All hell broke loose and chaos changed all our plans. I called for an ambulance, called for prayer support for Roger, called family, and we all headed for the hospital. The last thing I did before I left for the emergency room was to put my treasure map in my pocket.

One thing about an emergency room, you will find sick and hurting people there. While taking turns visiting and praying for Roger, I started looking at the people there. I noticed this young couple waiting their turn to see the doctor. I realized that they matched 2 of the clues on my treasure map: red/black and black hair. He had a red sweat shirt, she had a black one, and she had black hair. I watched them for awhile, took a step over my chicken line (got my courage up), and walked over to talk with them.

I explained what I was doing, and asked if either of them was suffering from pain in the head? The woman was there because of a severe migraine headache. I asked if she had a problem with her stomach area as well and she said she was suffering with nausea from the migraine. I had five clues for this couple and they said “Yes - pray.” I laid my hands on the lady and commanded the migraine to leave and invited the kingdom of heaven to invade that emergency room. I shared the love of Jesus with them and asked her how she was doing? There was no instant change in her pain level but I watched how they were doing as I went back to our group. Within 30 minutes they got up and left the hospital. Thank you Jesus! The seed of the kingdom had been planted!

As for Roger: He had broken three vertebrae in his back and was in much pain. He came home in two days with just a back brace to wear until he’s totally recovered. However, he had prayed for the ambulance driver and two different nurses during his ordeal. Even in the midst of chaos and pain, God’s kingdom was there.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Take Some Risks And Watch What God Will Do

Nov 4, 2010

Art Walk in downtown Kennewick is starting to taper off for the winter.  Not as many businesses were open to display an artist’s work nor are there as many people here to view the art.  However, there is no lack of God's presence.  If God's people show up, He shows up.  Tonight, Roger and I were the bookmobile (Treasure Hunters) while Julie stayed in the library (Healing Rooms) and an awesome time was had by all.

After a short time of prayer, Roger and I wrote down the clues (words of knowledge) that Holy Spirit gave us, took a left turn out the front door of The Bridge Church and took a stroll in downtown Kennewick.

A half block to the west, were two guys taking a smoke break outside of a pub.  One of these guys matched Roger's clues of blue and black.  He was wearing a black top with blue jeans.  Two other clues were storefront lights and the name David.  Right above where these two guys were standing on the overhead storefront lights was the name David.  What are the odds of that?  He also suffered from lower back pain, another of Roger's clues.  This guy’s back pain ran all the way to his foot via the sciatic nerve.  He said his foot felt hot because of the nerve in his back.  We laid our hands on his shoulders and commanded his back to be healed.  We asked him so move around to check out his back. He said that his foot was now feeling cool not hot.  The Great Physician was doing something in his back.  Then he opened up and asked for prayer for a job.  We prayed and got to share to the good news of the kingdom with him for another 10 minutes or so, then he headed into the pub.  The seed of God's kingdom had been planted.

Earlier, Roger had dropped his iPhone and it had stopped working.  Across the street from the pub is a cell phone repair shop and Roger knew one of the guys who works there.  The store happened to be open tonight so we went in and he took a look at Roger's phone. In about two minutes the iPhone’s loose antenna was fixed.  While repairing Roger’s phone, he told us that he had a doctor’s appointment the next day. He was going in to have some tests done to find the cause of pain he was suffering in his abdomen.  Before we left we asked if we could pray for him and he said, “yes”.  We laid hands on his stomach area and invited Holy Spirit to touch him and commanded the cause of the pain to leave. We had him check it out to see what God was up to.  He felt around in the painful area and discovered that the pain was gone! He also told us that the lump where the pain was located was gone.  God had done it again!  This guy was not even on our treasure map.

Heading back down the street we stopped into the church to see how my wife Julie and the healing room’s people were doing before heading out again.  Just as we were heading back out, I glanced in and saw her looking at the paintings on display.  She was a young lady wearing a plaid top, one of my clues.  I motioned for Roger come back in as I approached the young lady and her friend.  I told her, "I've been looking for you for an hour!"  She had a puzzled look on her face until I explained what we were up to, treasure hunting.  She was from The Bridge Church in Richland and had heard of treasure hunting.  Her friend had not.  That's when Roger noticed that the girl in the plaid top had red hair; another one of my clues.  Her name was Ashley and her friends name was Logan.  I had of two name clues that started with the letters L and A.  Another one of my clues was joint pain.  I asked them if either of them joint pain, like maybe in an elbow.  Logan said that was her.  She had a bad pain in her left elbow, right in the joint.  Julie joined us in prayer for the two young ladies and guess what happened?  After praying twice for Logan, all the pain left her elbow.  God had done it again!  Yeah God!  We then prayed and prophesied for Ashley and God touched her mightily.  Wow!

If you're a Christian and don't see this stuff once in a while, get out of your church building, take some risks, and watch what God will do.  Talk about fun!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wow, That Feels Good

Men’s Encounter, 10-09-10

Twice a year my church, Columbia Foursquare Church, has encounters. These are a weekend retreats where the participants press into God for deliverance and healing of events in their pasts that effect their present lives and their relationship with Father God. It is a very powerful time of worship, teaching, prayer, and encountering the living God. I had the privilege of teaching one of the sessions called “The Movie of Your Life” on Friday night. I also came back Saturday afternoon for the ministry time.

During the ministry time two or three leaders have up to an hour of prayer with each participant for a time of personal prayer just for that one individual. I was teamed with John D. and Jim K., two awesome men of God.

During my Morning Prayer time that morning I decided to seek God for some words of knowledge for the men I was going to pray with later that day. Using a small square of paper I wrote down my clues, creating a mini Treasure Map. One of the four clues I received was “arm”.

Simon was one of the men I got to pray with. What a awesome time that was. Holy Spirit was heavy in the room and all four of us were encountering Him. During the course of our prayer time together I asked Simon if he had a problem with his “arm”, using the word of knowledge I had received earlier that morning. He said that he suffered from a severe rotator cuff problem in his left shoulder and pain travels all the way down his arm. He could not use his arm for any type of throwing motion because of it.

John, Jim, and I laid our hands upon his shoulder and arm and commanded his shoulder to be healed. We invited the kingdom of God to come into Simon’s arm. After a time of prayer, while our hands were still upon him, there was a loud “pop” which you could hear in the room and we could feel under our hands. Simon said, “Wow, that feels good.” The kingdom of God had just invaded our earth!

We had just gotten whacked by God’s love. MORE GOD!!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

15 Minutes

Treasure Hunt 10-14-10

Before we left the prayer time at the Healing Rooms to hit the streets of downtown Kennewick, my sister Terry asked the Lord to let us lead someone to salvation in Jesus. That was the cry of her heart for tonight; she just wanted to see someone get saved.

She didn't tell Roger or me about this prayer until about 15 minutes later.  That’s because in 15 minutes, God answered her prayer by healing and saving two teenage boys.

They were sitting just outside of a club waiting for their ride home to Pasco.  They both matched our clues of white and black.  One had a white shirt and shoes and a black shorts, while the other had black shirt and shoes and white shorts.  On my stick man art, I had clues of problem/pain in the knee/leg area and throat/neck area of the body.   They both had leg pain and the youngest of the two had pain in upper neck in the area of his throat.  He gave me permission to lay hands on him and pray.  I commanded the pain to leave and invited the kingdom of God to come.  I only prayed for about 30 seconds, and then I asked him to check out his pain level.  There was a very surprised look on his face as he said, "The pain is gone."  I then tried something I had never done before; I had him lay his hands on his friend and command the pain to leave - in Jesus name.  The pain left that young man's legs as well.

Terry's prayer was answered.  I asked them if they would like to invite Jesus, who has just touched their bodies, to come into their lives.  They both said, “yes” they wanted to.  I explained the gospel to them, led them in prayer, gave them some literature to get them plugged into a church, and then their ride home arrived.  The timing was perfect!

That was the start of an amazing evening.  The Lord led us to seven more people in addition to these two young men. We found them with an eclectic mix of clues, like white truck, the letter “S”, black and white, high heeled boots, names that started with J and R, and skin condition.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bringing The Kingdom Of God to Earth Is So Simple

Sep 30, 2010

Downtown Kennewick is starting to get dark at 7:00PM and it was hard to read the clues on our treasure maps. We may have to start earlier, go into the pubs, or start going to the mall or Walmart as we head into winter. Change is good.

It was just my wife and I tonight on the Treasure Hunting team.  After an awesome time of prayer with the Healing Room's people we sat at one of the tables and wrote down the "words of knowledge" Holy Spirit gave us.  Our clues contained an eclectic mix of colors, art work, things, and prayer needs. I have given up trying to figure out how this works – it just does.

The "treasure" I want to share about was Susan.  Across the intersection from The Bridge Church is a fountain with two evergreen trees.  A woman walking her dog was right next to them.  As she crossed the street towards us we noticed she was wearing a green top.  Two clues already; could she be one that God wants to touch?  After she arrived at the corner where we were waiting, we struck up a conversation with her.  At first she thought we were on a scavenger hunt when we tried to explain what we were doing.  Then Holy Spirit opened the door of her heart through the clues He had given us.

"Do you suffer from headaches?” I asked.  "Yes, I do".  "Do you get pain in the shoulder/neck area?"  Yes, again.  The next question we asked her broke the dam, and the tears freely flowed.  "Do you have any legal problems or have to go to court?”.  "I'm getting a divorce and I have to go to court next week" she said.  The other clues on our map now made sense.  They were relationship problem, sadness, heart, and pain.  Susan was the one Father God wanted to love on tonight.  She was leaving an abusive husband and had four young children.  She felt alone and the overwhelming pain and stress was causing her to have severe tension headaches.

The three of us had church on the corner, in downtown Kennewick, as cars stopped at the intersection just a few feet away.  I believe God shines the light of His love brighter, in the darkest places, outside church walls.  I felt the presence and power of Holy Spirit as He touched this young lady.  We laid our hands on her, prayed for her, and shared Papa God's love for her.  She was not alone!  God loves her so much, and he used me and my wife to show her.

Papa God had set this whole encounter up. Holy Spirit led us right to Susan and let us partner with what He wanted to do.  After many tears were shed, Susan gave both of us a big hug and thanked us.

Bringing the kingdom of God to earth is so simple.  All we have to do is listen and obey; He does the rest.

Monday, August 23, 2010

“I have a keen sense of direction”

Aug 7, 2010

This Treasure Hunt was a little different in that we had a couple of 9 and10 year old boys that wanted to go with us.  There were 7 of us so we split into 2 teams.  Myself, Terry, and her grandson Colby were on one team. Colby is 10 years old. After prayer, each team sought Holy Spirit for direction and He gave us "clues" for our Treasure Maps. I wrote down the date and time that we completed our maps as I always do. It was 6:00 pm.  Remember that time, it's important.  Then our team was off to a park and them to Walmart as they were location clues that our 10 year old had received.

We had just walked into the entrance of Walmart when Colby yelled out, “There’s our treasure!"  Ahead of us about 30 feet was a couple, and the wife was wearing a purple top and blue shorts which were a couple of Colby's clues.  Terry and I had the color purple on our maps as well.  We followed them past the pharmacy and they split up, going down different isles.  I followed the husband and he came up the pet food isle past the fish food.  We had fish as a clue.  We were only 15 feet from the barbeque grills which were also on our maps.  We had 4 clues so far for this couple so Colby and I approached the husband.  He was in his early forties and had a long pony tail down to the center of his back.  I explained what we were doing and showed him our other "words of knowledge".  The one that sealed it for him was the clue of Navy.  He had recently retired from 20 years in the Navy.  Terry approached his wife and in a few minutes the whole bunch of us were having a prayer meeting. We had a total of 7 “words of knowledge” for this couple. Colby's clues had led us to the exact couple God wanted to touch.  There is no junior Holy Spirit and He will use kids just as well as adults.  What Colby remembered most was that a strange woman had given him a big hug and told him "Thank you."  He had listened to Holy Spirit and this couple had a supernatural encounter with God, next to the fish food, in Walmart.

Next we found a woman and her three kids in the grocery department.  We found them with the odd clue of a single claw drawn on my prophetic art section of my map.  A 15 year old boy named Michael was wearing a Ninja tee shirt on and the weapon on the shirt was a club with single claw on the business end of the club.  My drawing matched his shirt almost exactly.  He was also wearing blue shorts.  What was odd about this encounter was the time. The mom saw the time of 6:00 pm written on our maps, and she started weeping and getting real emotional.  It was at 6:00pm that she had a very strong impression to go to Walmart and go shopping.  She didn't know why but that strong feeling of "go to Walmart" wouldn't go away.  She put if off but finally gave in and gathered up her kids and went.  We found her at 7:20pm.  Awesome!  God spoke to her at the same time he was speaking to us! We had a number of other clues for them as well.

Michael, if you're reading this, remember the prayer you prayed:  He will prove Himself to you - if you seek Him.  Email me.

Our other team when to Home Depot and in no time at all was praying for one of the employees of the store.  The odd thing about him was that we had found his daughter, Stacy, two days earlier during our downtown Thursday night treasure hunt.  What are the odds of that?  While two of the team was ministering to him, the 9 year old, Roger, started telling the other team member, Gail that they needed to go to the garden center of the store because that was where their treasure was. She told him that the garden center was not on their maps and that they needed to follow their treasure maps.  He wouldn't hear off it.  They had to go to the garden center; their treasure was there.  She finally relented and so off they went.

They looked in the garden center and there was not a person there.  Roger insisted they go up every isle and make sure.  Gail told him that he was going to get them lost but Roger informed her that "I have a keen sense of direction" so the search was on.  Not one person was in the garden center so they started to leave and look for their other team members.  At the entrance of the garden center a family was coming in just as they were leaving.  Guess what?  That family matched most of the clues on their maps.  They had found God's hidden treasure and He used a 9 year old boy to lead the way.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

An Adventure Into The Unknown

August 5, 2010

It’s the 1st Thursday of the month again. That means Art Walk in downtown Kennewick. There is usually more people downtown for the art display, along with the bar and club patrons. On this Thursday night God lead us to pray with about 10 people. I'm amazed every time he leads us to just the right people at just the right time. Treasure Hunting is always an adventure into the unknown. I will share a couple of tonight’s encounters.

Sitting on a bench across the street from us were two ladies. One of them was wearing a dress with the colors, yellow/gold/orange which were clues on our treasure maps. We crossed the street and started sharing with them that we were Treasure Hunting and we believed they were the ones on our map. The other lady on the bench had tattoos on her back and shoulder. On one of our maps was a drawing of her tattoo. It was almost an exact copy. The stickman art on the map also pointed to the location of places in their bodies that were giving them problems. One was the lower neck/upper spine and the other was the right foot/ankle. One of the ladies was named Stacy and we had the name that start with an S as a name clue.

That’s when one of them said, "I've heard about Treasure Hunters." It turns out some of us had led one of her family members to the Lord about 18 months earlier during a previous Treasure Hunt. We had found him in Home Depot. It was the first time I had ever, start to finish, lead someone to the Lord in all my years as a believer. The words of knowledge led us to him; he had an encounter with the living God, and asked Jesus into his life. I can still remember the weird clues Holy Spirit gave us to find him. I get goose bumps just thinking about that encounter. The God of the Universe used me to bring one of His creations home!

We prayed for healing for them both and the one with the foot problem said that her foot was getting hot. God was touching her and she could feel Him. We had just had another encounter with the presence of Holy Spirit.

We continued down the sidewalk. As we were walking by, Terry asked a guy about to enter a pub if his name was Carl. He said "yes". We also had the clues of gray shirt and flag. The flag was on his gray shirt. Then he told us he was fooling with us and that his real name was Ed. Too late, God had already opened the door. We also had a couple of weird clues of sparkle/sparkly on two different maps. The lady with Ed had a blue top and had suffered with knee pain after a long work day. What really got her attention was that she was an electrician and had the nickname of "Sparky. They both let us pray for them before they entered the pub and we got to tell them about the love of God and the good news of Jesus.

What we had experienced another night of what’s "normal” in God's kingdom.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Seed Has Been Planted

Vacation at the Oregon Coast, week of July 26th

We spent a week’s vacation on the Oregon Coast just a few miles North of Depot Bay.  High temperature in the Tri-Cities was 95 deg; the coast, 65 deg.  We had a great time doing nothing but search for agates on the beach with a lot reading thrown in and staying cool.

On Thursday we decided to check out some the local antique shops so I entered a couple addresses into the GPS to help us find them.  Before we left for hunting antiques, Julie and I decided to fill out a Treasure map and hunt for God's treasure as we hunted for the antique treasures.  What could be more fun!  We had a short prayer time, asked Father God to direct us to His treasure, and off we went to Lincoln City.

A short time before we left, the maid came in to clean our room.  It wasn't long before Julie had her cornered in the bathroom speaking and praying with her with a Spanish/English mix.  Julie said she was highlighted to her by Holy Spirit so she took a risk and ended up having a God encounter in our bathroom.  There's something about women and bathrooms :-)

At the South end of Lincoln City we spotted a small area that had 3 or 4 antique shops.  We pulled in do what women really like; shopping.  In the last shop I found that the couple that owned the store was God’s treasure.  God gave us six clues to lead me to them and to confirm to them that God had highlighted them. 

The first was antique shop, and comic books.  This store had a very large antique comic book selection right next to the office area of the store.  I knew this was the place.  I told the couple that owned the store that I was on a treasure hunt and asked the husband if his name was Steve. He gave me a funny look and said “yes”.  "Are you a veteran?" He answered "yes".  He was also involved in a local veterans group.  "Do you have a bad back?"  "Yes".  His back was all messed up. He had gone through 3 or 4 back surgeries and three of his vertebrates were fused.  Do you walk with a limp?  His wife answered this for him.  "Yes, he has a bad knee which caused him to limp at times”. Then she asked, "How do you know this stuff?"

That opened the door to share Jesus with them and how Holy Spirit moves through God's people when they listen to His voice and take risks.  I told them that Jesus loved them so much he gave us clues to confirm to them that He was real, alive, and thinking of them personally.  I got to lay my hands and command healing to come into Steve's body.  I tried to talk him into getting out of his chair to "check it out" but he wouldn't do it.  A lot of miracles seem to happen as the person takes a step of faith and acts upon the word spoken over them.  This couple was blown away by what happened in their store, as was I. The seed has been planted!

Antique shopping is fun; especially if God helps you shop!

On Friday, as we were leaving to come home, we stopped at one last antique store.  The owners were a brother and sister. She had blond/gray hair and green/gray was his appearance. They were on our map from the previous day.   They fit almost all of our remaining clues.  Family, marriage issues, the initials of C, K, and T were her kids.  She also had a bulging disk in her back.  We had a total of 8 clues for them and their family.  Before we left their shop, the four of us were holding hands and having church right in their shop.  God is awesome!!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Date Night With Holy Spirit

Hot. It’s hot tonight. When we got to the Healing Rooms it was 95 degrees out and there was nobody outside. I thought to myself, “It’s going to be hard to pray for people if we can't find any people”. Don't underestimate what God can do. In about an hour we found, and prayed for 12 different people that were on our Treasure maps. All but two, were either going into or coming out of the bars and clubs.

As far as some of the clues (words of knowledge) Holy Spirit gave us, it was a very eclectic mix of names, initials, colors, what people were wearing, headlight, red car, mustache/dark blue shirt, bar, and a bunch of generally weird clues. Three different members of the team received the clue of "back pain". God put them all together and led us on a trail of people that He lined up for us all through a two block area of downtown Kennewick. At the end of about an hour, we looked back in awe at what Holy Spirit had done. He had us at just the right place at just the right time for the right person and we had the right clues for that person. I will always be amazed at how He arranges everything for us. All we have to do is GO and DO what He shows us. It's easy and fun and a bit scary.

The first treasure we found was a young man in his mid-20's about to go into a bar. He was wearing clothes that were "gray/blue". I stopped him before he went into the pub, told him he might be on my Treasure Map, and asked him to look at our other clues. We had the initials of his first and last name and he was suffering with back pain. He had worked construction and had hurt his back. He told me the pain never left - it was always there. From a scale of 1 - 10, I asked him to tell me what the pain level was right now. He said it was a level 5 and he was hurting. He gave me permission to lay my hand on his back and pray for him. I had him check his back and he said the pain had dropped to a level of 2. God was up to something. I prayed again, and the pain left completely. We had just had an encounter with the healing power of God on the sidewalk outside of a bar. Over the next 15 minute I shared the good news of Jesus with this young man. He had just encountered the power of LOVE because God is love.

We found a group of four young black men with the clues, "in the street", "dark skin", "white shirt", "white hat" "green/white", name that starts with "K", "shoulder pain", and an unusual "green" color. We had clues for all four of them and they all received prayer, a prophetic word, and heard about the love of Jesus. When we first approached them they were commenting about the good looking girls that were entering the Comedy Club across the street. When we were finished they had all bowed they head in prayer to the living God and I doubt they think they were thinking about the girls anymore.

Roger had a description of a bartender on his map and it took him about four bars, but he found and prayed for that bartender. He was digging for God's gold and he didn't stop until he found what Holy Spirit had showed him. God is going to reward his perseverance with more open doors and more power to release God’s kingdom.

Thursday nights have become our date night with Holy Spirit.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

What would the Church look like, if?

We have decided that teaching the Gospel without demonstrating the Gospel is not enough. Good preaching, good doctrine, and being good people is not enough.

We have decided that having a good church club is not enough, good fellowship is not enough, and just being a member of that club is not enough.

We have decided that having good Bible studies is good, but not good enough, that just making it to heaven is not our goal, and that knowing about God without truly knowing and experiencing God is meaningless.

We have decided that having good programs is not enough; that change without transformation is intolerable, and that staying the same is not an option.

We have decided that gifting without character is futile.

We have decided that singing songs without worshiping is shallow and having meetings without God showing up is pointless.

We have decided that having faith without works is not enough and having works without love is not acceptable - that our function comes out of our relationship first with the Father and second with each other.

We have decided that reading about the book of Acts without living the book of Acts is unthinkable.

We have decided that confident faith is good and bold faith is better.

We have decided that hearing about the Holy Spirit without experiencing Him is silly, that believing in His presence without seeing It manifested in signs and wonders is hypocrisy, that believing in healing without seeing people healed is absurd, and that believing in deliverance without people being delivered is absolutely ridiculous.

We have decided to be Holy Spirit filled, Holy Spirit led, and Holy Spirit empowered - anything less doesn't work for us.

We have decided to be the ones telling the stories of God's power - not the ones hearing about them.

We have decided that living saved, but not supernatural is living below our privilege and short of what Christ died for.

We have decided that we are a battle ship not a cruise ship, an army, not an audience; Special forces not spectators, missionaries not club members.

We have decided to value both pioneers and settlers - pioneers to expand our territory and settlers to build on those territories - but we are not squatters - people who take up space others have fought for without improving it.

We have decided to be infectious instead of innocuous, contagious instead of quarantined, deadly instead of benign.

We have decided to be radical lovers and outrageous givers.

We have decided that we are a mission station and not a museum:
1. We honor the past - we don't live in it.
2. We live in the present with our eyes on the future.
3. We see past events - successes and failures - as stepping-stones not stop signs.
4. We pursue learning in order to be transformed, not learning in order to know.
5. We are people of engagement not observation.
6. We focus on what could be, not on what is or has been.
7. We are not limited to the four walls of this building. Our influence is not restricted by location - Not even the nations are out of bounds.
8. We are more concerned about how many we send out into the world than how many we convince to come into the building. This building is meant to be filled and it will be - but it will not be the measure of who we are or the measure of our effectiveness.
9. We raise up world changers - not tour guides. We train commandos, not committees.
10. We are a people of our destiny, not of our history.

We have decided that it is better to fail while reaching for the impossible that God has planned for us than succeed settling for less.

We have decided that nothing short of His Kingdom come, His will be done in our world as it is in Heaven will satisfy.

We have decided that we will not be satisfied until our world freaks out and cries out "Those who have turned the world upside down have come here too."

Decisions That Define Us © 2005 David B Crone

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The New Treasure Hunter - Shelley

June 3, 2010

The first Thursday of the month in downtown Kennewick is “Art Walk”. All the galleries and artists have open houses and display their art works on into the evening. On this evening, a large group of young kids were playing music and there were a lot of people enjoying the performance. What a perfect night for a treasure hunt!

After a time of worship and prayer with the Healing Room people, Julie and I sat at a table in the Bridge Church and wrote down the clues Holy Spirit gave us. Terry joined us a little late. There was a young lady named Shelley just hanging out listening to the music so I asked her if she wanted to join us. She had never gone treasure hunting before. She said yes. I gave her a map, prayed for her, and told her to write down any clues she felt Holy Spirit was giving her. She wrote down a name and “knee” for something that someone might need prayer for. I wanted her to get one more clue so I told her to look at the stick man on the treasure map and to draw an arrow towards a part of the body and God would give her one more clue. She drew an arrow to the “arm” of the stick man. A few of the clues on my map was the name “Paul”, “knee”, and a drawing of a “skull”. The “skull” drawing looked like something one might find as a tattoo on someone. Very weird clue!

We joined the crowd of people on the corner listening to the kids playing their music. In that large crowd there was a lady with a soft cast on her arm. Maybe she was the clue on Shelley’s map. While Julie and Terry were praying for another lady, Shelley and I approached the lady with the cast on her arm.  We told her that God had highlighted her to us and that we believed she was God’s treasure. We showed her Shelley’s drawing with the arrow towards the arm and asked her about the other clues. I asked her if the name “Paul” meant anything to her. She pointed towards her son-in-law seated in front of us. His name was Paul. Her daughter had a bad “knee” and she was seated next to Paul. The weird clue “skull” was her grandson. He walked up to us and there was a large picture of a “skull” on his tee shirt. It looked just like the drawing on my map. Holy Spirit had given us clues for her and her whole family.

At that time she knew something supernatural was going on and she opened up to us about her life. She told us of the surgeries and the battle with breast cancer. The next step for her was total disability. We told her that God had led us to her for a reason and that Jesus loved her so much He picked her out of that large crowd of people. We had a prayer meeting right there on the sidewalk. We even got to pray for her daughter’s knee. Holy Spirit revealed to this lady that God loved her and that she was special to Him. She was so special that Jesus died on a cross for her salvation and healing.

God used the brand new Treasure Hunter, Shelley to lead us to His “Treasure”.

Our group of Treasure Hunter had the privilege of praying for four other people that night. This was an example of one of them. God is so awesome!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I Will Never Be The Same

The Bridge, Richland went for it this past Saturday and I got to be a part of their 2nd Treasure Hunt.  About 13 of us showed up; enough for 3 teams.  I was asked to share a few stories of recent Treasure Hunts and did a short time of instruction.  I had the pleasure of being teamed up with three awesome revivalists and we had a great adventure.  Our clues led us to a small park and then to the Uptown Shopping Center in Richland.  In the course of about 50 minutes we found four groups of people that were on our "Treasure Maps".  Just finding each group with the clues that Holy Spirit had given us was miraculous.


Our first location was a small park.  The lady in our group had a clue of “guitar on the front of a black shirt”. The 1st person we see when arriving at the park is a man with a black shirt with two guitars on the back. Close enough! We got to pray a blessing prayer with that couple and started looking for who else the Lord wanted to touch in that park.

The young man in our group had just showed me the drawing of a "pair of wings" on his map.  He thought it might be on a Pontiac Firebird car.  A moment later I saw a young lady in her late 20's wear an "orange" tee shirt with a large butterfly on the back.  The butterfly "wing" kind of looked like the drawing I had just looked at.  We went for it and approached the women in the parking lot.  We told her what we were doing which got her curiosity going long enough for us to see if anymore of our clues fit her.  We asked her if she had any pain issues or problems in the "lower back" or with her "arm".  She told us she suffered from arthritis in both of those areas.  The clues of "family issues" and "sleep disorder" also fit her and we then had the privilege of praying for one of her children and against the sleep apnea that effected her getting a good night’s sleep.  The lady in our group laid her hand on the young lady's back and we invited the healing power of Holy Spirit to come and break arthritis out of her body.  Awesome!  She said her back was getting warm and tingling.  Warm and tingly is good.  We knew Holy Spirit was touching her.

This young lady had just recently joined the Mormon Church.  We didn't want to get into any debate with her.  We wanted her to have an encounter with the real Jesus and the power of Holy Spirit and she did.  We shared the love of our Jesus with her and gave her some contact info if she had questions.  God is so good!


Uptown Shopping Center:  What a good place for a couple of divine encounters.  The young man on our team had a clue of "blue sweater or coat".  I though there is no way we would ever find that clue as it was almost 85 deg's out.  Guess what?  We weren't there a minute and he found a lady on a bench wearing a "blue sweater".   There was a Navy Veteran with her and we got to share Jesus with him and pray for his back.  The presence of Holy Spirit touched him right there on the sidewalk.

The last "Treasure" meant the most to me.  God is a God of love, and he loves people through us.  We had just finished praying for the Vet and the young man on the team got a headache just above his eye.  He normally doesn't get pain like that so he knew it was someone else’s (word of knowledge).  We hadn't walked 20 steps and I noticed a "green/yellow" tattoo on the shoulder of a young lady that had passed going the other direction on the sidewalk.  I chased her and her parents down and showed her the "green/yellow" clue on my map.  The rest of my team caught up with me.  What was awesome was that the moment the young man on the team walked up to her, his headache left.  The young lady's name was Amy.  I had a clue of "A _ _" on my map under the name category.

It was then that Amy's parents told us that the cancer had come back.  She had recently been diagnosed as having a brain tumor.  It was the cause of her headaches.  She showed us the scar on her head where surgery had been done about four years earlier.  Now the cancer was back.  We then proceeded to have church right there on the sidewalk.  The love of God was poured into that family through us, the church.  The prayer of faith by the laying on of hands was offered up to Daddy God.  The Spirit of love surrounded us all. 

I will never be the same.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


My wife and I partnered with the Kennewick Healing Rooms this Thursday night.  She had a good analogy for what we do; they are the library and we are the bookmobile.  Sounds like someone who works in a library.  The point is, we both bring the kingdom of God to people, but we get to walk around more. 

After prayer and worship and just getting into the presence of Father God, we got out our treasure maps and wrote down some clues (words of knowledge) to lead us to the people God wanted to touch that night.  Some of the clues that led us to two young ladies that night were, "black/white" = appearance, "flower/rose" and the color "red" = unusual.  We also had what looked like "angel wings" in the prophetic art part of our map.

God's timing is perfect.  Thirty seconds earlier or later and we would have missed them.  Walking down the sidewalk we stopped for less than a minute looking at a painting of a "red flower" in a store window.  We looked up to see two young women in their 20's walking toward us. They had just walked out of a tattoo parlor a couple doors down the street.   Both of them were wearing clothes that were "black/white".  One of them also had a large tattoo of a large "red flower" on her shoulder.  We had found God's treasure!  After we had talked to them awhile we also noticed a tattoo of what looked like "angel wings" on her back.   My wife was going to write down the clue of "music" earlier but talked herself out of it, and this young lady also had musical notes tattooed on her wrist.  When it doubt, write it down.

After telling them what we were doing and getting to know them better, we asked if we could pray for them.  We showed them some other "clues" we had on our Treasure Maps.  One of our clues was a problem in the "neck area".  The other young lady said she suffered from Scoliosis.  I asked her, on a scale of 1-10, what was her pain level was?  She said the pain was at a level six.  My wife laid her hand on her neck and prayed the prayer of faith over her neck and spine.  After prayer I asked her to check out the pain level again.  She said the pain was gone.  Awesome!  We then shared the love of God with them and how much they were loved by Him.  We then prayed for the presence of Holy Spirit to come and touch them and make Himself real to them.

The presence of God showed up on a sidewalk in downtown Kennewick on a Thursday night!  I never knew being the church could be so much fun!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

“That was God”

My friend Greg organized a treasure hunt Sunday after church and we met at South Hills Church on 27th Ave.  Enough people for two teams joined the fun.  For me, this was one of the most powerful times I have experienced, ever.  Our team had location clues of Starbucks and Walmart.  The word of knowledge that turned out to be common with all three of the groups of people that Greg and I prayed for was "diabetes".  When I shared this clue with our team, Greg mentioned that one of the youth pastors of his church had been diagnosed with diabetes just a couple of weeks before.

Team member, Robbie, said we were to go to Starbucks first and then Walmart.  When we arrived at Starbucks, there were only two customers there:  the diabetic youth pastor that Greg had just mentioned 15 minutes earlier, and his assistant.  We told him that he was on our treasure map.  We had an awesome prayer time on the sidewalk outside of the Starbucks during which we commanded the diabetes to go and we prayed for the healing power of God to come.

The next evening, Greg ran into this pastor at the church showing everyone his iPhone.  He had on app loaded on it that tracks his blood sugar levels. Up to the time we prayed for him his levels were from 265 to 496, depending on diet.  But, after healing prayer, the blood sugar levels had dropped to the 120 range.  The diabetes had also damaged his eyes to the point that he had to start wearing glasses but after prayer his eyes cleared up and the glasses were no longer needed.  This young pastor left for a conference in California during which he texted Greg to tell him he had started to eat stuff like cookies and there was no change to his blood sugar levels.  He could not do this before.  God is awesome!

The next place on our map was Walmart where our group of four split into two teams. Greg and I were together. Some clues that led our team to the next encounter were:  ladybug, yellow/green, bicycle, knee problem, diabetes, name that started with "M", and a "5 pointed star".  Ladybug had to be one of the weirdest clues ever.  We went to the gardening section of the store with no results.  Turning right after leaving the garden section and next to the "bicycle" aisle, I spotted a young man wearing a "yellow/green" hat.  As we walked over to talk to him, I noticed he had a "5-pointed star" tattooed on his arm.  Things were really getting interesting now.  His name was "M"ike and he had problems with his "knees".  His step-mom was with him and she was very negative about what was happening. I asked Mike if he knew anyone suffering from "diabetes."  He pointed to his step-mom and said "she does."  At that point she said that "this is very weird" and walked away.  I think she was a little afraid because what was going on was supernatural.  By this time Mike was into it.  He let us pray for healing of his knees and we prophesied into his life.  The step-mom came back and I commanded the diabetes to leave her body and the kingdom of God to come over her.  She was about 6 feet away.  As we left, Greg heard the mom tell her step-son, "That was God."

The next family we prayed for also had a 5-pointed star tattoo, the letter of her name, diabetes, and four other clues.  The prayer time was amazing. 

The kingdom of God had come into the Walmart store.

Remember the "ladybug" clue?  Orin was the one that received this word of knowledge.  Guess what?  As Robbie and Orin were walking around the other part of Walmart, a real ladybug landed on Orin's shoulder.  What are the odds of that?  God has an awesome sense of humor!

A New Chapter….

We've started a new chapter in this great adventure in the kingdom of God. On Thursday nights, we meet with the Kennewick Healing Rooms staff.  They meet at The Bridge Church, and pray for the sick and hurting.  After prayer and a time of entering into the presence of Holy Spirit with the Healing Rooms staff, we have started "Treasure Hunting" on the streets of downtown Kennewick.  There are many taverns, clubs, tattoo parlors, and small business in the old part of downtown Kennewick.

Tonight Roger and I went out.  The first treasure we found fit the clues of “long blondish hair", "plaid top," "lamp post," and "relationship issue."  As soon as we went out the front door of the church, Roger spotted her a half-block away and he knew she was on our treasure map.  She and another woman were taking a smoke break outside one of the taverns not far from a lamp post.  After sharing with her how much God loved her, she wanted prayer for some relationship issues with her boy friend and someone at her work place.  It was a good start for the evening.

Next we walked by a small business that was closed for the day but still had people inside.  Roger saw a couple he knew and they let us in to visit.  There were two other guys there who were working on a motorcycle.  One had a "light tan top" and his name started with a "T". I called him over and told him I believed he was on our Treasure Map.  I asked him if he was having problems with his "left knee" and he said he had injured it about a year before. With that word of knowledge he opened up and told me about his life.  His was a life of pain, prison, and brokenness.  He was really trying to straighten up his life.  He let me pray a prayer of healing for his knee.  During that prayer I also felt led to pray for his finances which he later said was a really big issue for him at the present time.  The presence of God was in that place.  During the time I was praying with "T", Roger prayed for the other three people in the store.  Awesome!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Bridge - Richland

Saturday, the 20th my friend Gregg and I did a teaching for the youth group at The Bridge church, Richland, WA. A good time was had by all. We tried to have some experienced treasure hunters team up with those that had never been exploring with God by “Treasure Hunting.” After the teaching and prayer time we received our “clues”, split up into three large teams and headed out for a one hour treasure hunt. I will share just a few of our stories.

One team started at a local Fred Myer store, with clues of “garden department, flowing water, shrubs, brown hair/medium build and the number seven”. One young man on the team heard one of the cashiers tell her manager “I’ve only had seven customers”. With that clue the young man knew he had found his “treasure”. Two employees of that store were on their “treasure map” and received prayer.

By the local Spud Nut donut shop, a couple of young ladies were found using a variety of clues. Terry laid her hand and prayed for a heart issue with one. The other young lady fit the clues of “knee pain and runner”. When she was asked if she also wanted prayer she said that she was an atheist. She was told that God loved atheists and that He would heal atheists too. After healing prayer, this young atheist asked for prayer for a new job, but not at McDonalds. Even an atheist is one divine encounter away from a world view change.

The next team had a location of Walmart. The color of purple seemed to be a theme for the appearance of the people we were looking for. That color led us to pray for three people. We also had a clue of “left ankle”. We found a lady on crutches. We found out she had broken her left ankle. The two high school students on our team laid their hands on her ankle and prayed the prayer of faith over her. Then this ladies husband shared that he was suffering from a badly swollen left ankle as well and was in stage four prostate cancer. We got to share the love of Christ with this family and pray for their physical healing as well. Awesome!

Our third group prayed for five different groups or individuals. They had some clues of Uptown (a shopping area) a nail shop (fingernails that is) pink sweatshirt, leg pain, and four legged cane. They found almost all of these listed clues and others in just one person. It was a divine encounter.

This is just a partial list of the people God led us to. As close as I can count, 21 people received prayer, encountered Holy Spirit, and got to hear about the love of Christ before we ran out of time.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Growing Revival, One Person at a Time

My sister Terry is a fairly new treasure hunter.  She was a witness of the Navy Seal that got his leg and feet healed in Walmart (See previous post).  After what she saw she was determined to start praying for her patients at work.  As she is a registered nurse, she is around sick people every work day.  She asked her boss, a Buddhist doctor, for permission to pray for their patients.  He said it was Ok only if they asked for prayer.  He allowed her to put a very small sign on her desk stating, “Will pray, if asked”.  Over the last month she prays on an average of from five to eleven different patents each Wednesday.  The following testimony is from one of them.


On January 27, 2010, my left shoulder was extremely painful and I felt as though there was ice water flowing through my veins. I had been feeling very ill for the past few weeks. I was also suffering other symptoms and pain.

I had seen Terry, RN, in her office for a refill for my medications. At the end of my visit, I requested she pray with me. She laid her hands lightly on my left shoulder and began to call upon God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We agreed in prayer for my healing from the pain and for the coldness in my body.

Slowly, shortly after we began our prayers, there was warmth radiating from my left shoulder throughout my body. It was the first time in several weeks that I felt warm. The heat continued to build and Terry’s hands became very warm too. We both felt the heat from God in answer to our prayers.

The pain in my shoulder was gone and I was able to raise it above my head. This had been impossible before our prayers. The cold feeling throughout my body was gone too.

I am thankful to God for answered prayer and for those like Terry, who are willing to pray for and with us.

Sheila A.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bethel School of Supernatural Evangelism Part 3

Two of the gifts of the Spirit that were demonstrated at this conference were the prophetic and words of knowledge.  The prophetic is basically calling out the gold in a person's life.  It is used for strengthening, encouragement and comfort (1Cor 14:3).  A word of knowledge is a bit of knowledge that is obtained from God to reach a person supernaturally.  I really wanted to be activated in both of these spiritual gifts while here.

One of my clues that I received on a treasure hunt were the colors of green and purple.  I was looking for someone wearing these two colors.  I had no luck finding these clues during two previous treasure hunts.  I saved my treasure map and kept it with me for two days looking for who it might be for.  I went out to lunch with a group of five from the conference including a student from Bethel Church.  He demonstrated the prophetic for us by ministering to a young man on the sidewalk in front of a group of retail stores that included Cold Stone, an ice cream store.  I did approach a young lady that had some purple/green coloring in her hair with my old treasure map.  I was shot down in flames.  One of the ladies in our group said that the young lady I approached probably thought that I was just hitting on her. Maybe next time I should take a female with me to help when approaching a young woman.

That afternoon we were taught on some of the ways we receive words of knowledge.  One way is "it's not your pain".  If you suddenly have an unusual pain that you didn't have before, it could be a pain in someone in the area you have just entered.

We were released for dinner so my sister Terry, her husband Roger and I decided to try to find our way to the retail stores where I had lunch earlier in the day, and to get dinner there as well.  As were got out of the car I noticed 3 teenaged guys setting up to play music on the sidewalk.  One of them had a green plaid shirt and the other had a purple plaid shirt.  After two days of searching I had finally found my clues.  It was these three teens.  We approached them and I told them that I had been looking for them for two days.  At the same time Roger and Terry both got a sick feeling in their stomachs.  We asked them if they need prayer for anything.  At first they said no.  Then one of the young men (he was wearing all black, was smoking, and even had his fingernails painted black) said that he had a sore throat and that his friend was suffering from food poisoning and had stomach pain.  Just an hour earlier, we had been taught about receiving a word of knowledge in this manner and now Terry and Roger were experiencing it.  Wow! The door was now open for us.

We prayed for their healing and then I prophesied over them.  The words just flowed.  The more I spoke the more the words seem to come.  God was using me to speak to these three young men.  Wow.  This stuff they are teaching us really works.  The six of us had an encounter with the living God right there on the sidewalk.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bethel School of Supernatural Evangelism Part 2

Art.  Prophetic art no less.  This session I thought would be of minimal usage as far as reaching people I didn’t even know.  I use prophetic art all the time, but it usually consists of a stick man with an arrow pointing to the part of the body that needs prayer or to help me find that person. It could be a picture of a bird that might be on their shirt.  It had never even entered my mind to make some art to give to a person as a way for them to have an encounter with God.  But that’s what we did.

We used a blank paper and some colored pencils and let Holy Spirit direct us to draw a picture first for ourselves and then another picture we were to give to someone in the community.  I want you to know that my “art” sucks.  Anyway, how was I going to find this person to give them this art anyway?  There’s no way this was going to work.

My work of art consisted of some bars and the word “Jail” and a bunch of $$$$$$$$$$$ in the jail cell.  I was a picture of someone’s financial difficulties.  On the back of the “art” I wrote that God was their provider and that He owned the earth and all the gold.  He would take care of the person that trusts and seeks Him.  I went out that day with my sister Terry and her husband Roger.  Terry drew a picture of a multi-colored heart.  It was supposed to be the heart of the person with the blood of Jesus touching it and some other symbolism.  Roger’s art was so ugly that our new friend Andrew said there was no way he could give it to anyone.  He told him it kind of looked like two stick men with boobs.  The boobs were really little hearts, the heart of Father God to the heart of the person that was to receive the “art”.

Off we went for dinner. Terry wanted soup for dinner and Roger was determined to find a place that served good soup, not something out of a can. We drove around looking for a place that might serve good soup and finally decided to travel to the local casino. They had a restaurant and we thought we might find someone there to give our “art” to. We left the GPS unit in the room, missed the exit off of the freeway and ended up in the town of Red Bluff, about 15 miles south. Time was getting short so we found a nice little restaurant downtown to get some soup. After being seated, Roger felt that our waitress was the person God wanted to bless and that I was to give her my jail art.

After ordering our food, I asked her if my $$$ in jail art meant anything to her. Right in front of us, she started to cry. We offered to pray for her when she had a little time between customers. We believed that all three pieces of our art was for this young woman. She came back for prayer and we explained what we believed our art meant. We were in the middle of a Holy Spirit led encounter. The love of God had led us to a strange town to bless this one person that He loves. We left her a huge tip, gave her our inspired art, directions to some churches in Redding and left for the evening session at the conference.

PS   The soup was excellent!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Bethel School of Supernatural Evangelism

There is no way I can possibly communicate what I just experienced this last week. Three of us traveled to Bethel Church in Redding, CA, to attend their “School Of Supernatural Evangelism”. It was a four day school and the meetings lasted all day and a good part of the night. The students were from 20 to 73 years old, men and women, from 14 different countries, and 28 states. The only thing we had in common was a hunger to get closer to the King and His kingdom. To say I was impacted by what was presented to us would be an understatement. I discovered that on an individual level, there is no need to pray and ask God for revival; revival is already here, to those who want it.

Chris Overstreet led, stretched, pulled and pushed us deeper into God’s kingdom. The speakers included Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton, Kevin Dedmon and many others. All of them painted a different picture of bringing a supernatural encounter to those around us. They showed us that we are a partner with Holy Spirit, kind of like a physician’s assistant. Where we go, Holy Spirit goes. For many, Holy Spirit is trapped in unbelieving, believers. Many in the church are waiting on God, but God is waiting on them. But the number one thing I received from this school is this: LOVE! Everything I do must be motivated by love. Ministry is 5% gifting and 95% love. Chris Overstreet said it best, “No love, no Dove”. I’ll let you figure that one out :-)

Three of the people I met during the conference were from Tasmania, Australia. I will always remember these guys. They were awesome! We hung out quite a bit and I got to go on a couple of “Treasure Hunts” with them during the week. I will share one of these with you.

The lunch and dinner breaks were the most important part of the school because during these times we went out into the community to practice what they had just taught us. On our lunch break on day I got to team up with Pastor Shen, Andrew, and Alan. We had the clues of “Walmart” and “fast food restaurant”. We went to the local Walmart. We split up into two teams. Shen and Alan going one way, Andrew and I the other. Our two teams prayed for 8 people during the short time we were in the store.

Here is what happened. I spotted a women with a bad limp so we followed her across the whole store to the area in front of all the checkout stands. I shared with her what we doing and asked her if a name that started with M--- meant anything to her? She said yes, her young son that was with her was named “Matt”. We also had the name Jacob and another name that started with a J. They were the names of her father and husband. We also asked her if she had something going on in the area of her hip (clue). She told us that her hip was broken (cracked bone) and she needed surgery but had no money.  She agreed to let us pray for her. She let us lay our hands on her and we commanded healing to come into her hip.  All the pain left!  I had just witnessed a miracle right in front of my eyes. This woman was in desperate condition. Her husband only had one arm and couldn’t work. I believe they were living with other family members. Then something happened that wreaked me. My partner Andrew asked her if she had a handkerchief. He believed that if we prayed over it and she lay it on her husband’s missing arm, it would grow out. I was stunned. I stood there feeling like an unbelieving believer even after what I had just witnessed. Andrew’s faith had risen to a higher level. That moment struck me. It’s not about me. Only Holy Spirit in me can do anything anyway. Nothing is impossible with God, nothing. We did have some small papers with the names of some local churches that I had picked up from the conference. We prayed over the paper and gave it to the lady to put on her husband’s arm. If the city of Redding is shocked to hear the story of a man’s arm growing out, it was because of a man named Andrew putting a draw on the kingdom of God.

Then there was the young man and his daughter. We had clues of a black/white hat and bike. He was next to the bike rack, wearing a black and white ball cap. We prayed and Andrew prophesied over him.

Next we went to the cookie isle (clue of cookies) and I could see her from a distance. She was in a motorized cart and I knew what was wrong with her. I had received a word of knowledge (clue) of M.S.  Andrew and I approached her and she was right next to the Oreo cookies. We told her she was on our treasure map. I asked her if she had M.S. and she said “yes”. She let us pray for her and share the Father’s love for her. She didn’t get out of the motorized cart but she did have had an encounter with Daddy God. Wow God!

We then met up with Allan and Shen and walked over to the McDonald’s to get a quick lunch before we had to hurry back for the next session. While waiting for our food I noticed a man sitting alone next to the window. He didn’t fit any of our clues other than the clue of “fast food restaurant”. I noticed he was a Vietnam vet by the emblem on his ball cap. I am a Vietnam vet as well. I kept looking at him, would look away, then back to him. I seemed to be drawn to him. Oh what the heck, go for it. I approached him and asked him about his time in Nam and shared a little about mine. Then I asked him if he had anything I could pray for him about, like pain in his body or anything else. He said he had a rotation cuff problem in his left shoulder, was in pain and couldn’t raise his arm without getting a sharp pain in his shoulder. He let me lay my hands on his shoulder. I prayed twice and had him check it out each time. He then raised him arm and moved it around without any pain. God had just healed him in McDonald’s and we got to partner with Holy Spirit in the process. Awesome!

We were eating our lunch when a man approached us at our table. He said “I saw what you did”. I thought that we were going to get kicked out of the store. It turned out that the man was a pastor from another city. He asked us if we were from Bethel Church. We told him that we were just attending a Bethel conference but were not members of the church. He was impressed that we actually prayed for people outside of the church building. He thanked us. I pray that he will take what he saw back to his congregation.

That was one treasure hunt. During the conference, we did this kind of outreach usually twice a day. I will post additional updates soon.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dec 6, 2009 Treasure Hunt Testimony

David, thank you for taking me treasure hunting last Sunday (December 6). It was totally awe inspiring. I’ve always prayed for people (usually when they ask), and I know they’ve been touched. I’ve seen miracles like that on TV before, but never up close and personal. The look on that mans face when you laid hands on his right leg, his jaw about hit the floor. His eyes were wide open with tears running down his face. He could hardly stand still. He was laughing and crying at the same time. When he looked down to see what kind of heating device you were putting on his leg, (because it was so hot), I thought oh boy this is it, the big one, and it was. After you prayed for him he was flexing and bending joints and muscles that he couldn’t flex and bend since having that bomb blow up by him in Iraq. I agree that shrapnel is gone. I can still hear his voice in my mind. When he yelled to his wife (who also looked awe struck or maybe dumbfounded), Honey!! Can you believe this? I could never do this before!!! Do you believe this! Thank God!!! Thank you! Thank you! Merry Christmas!!!! Dave, I know I’m leaving out many of the other details, but I know that this was the most spectacular miracle (other than my own personal miracle) that I’ve ever seen with my own eyes. Now I pray for people all the time. At work this week I prayed for 5 people expecting and believing for the big one. The one like I saw last Sunday.

Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s do it again!



Hi Dave,

I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity of going treasure hunting with you and your sister last Sunday.  Wow….

To recap what happened-I just still cannot believe the look on the Navy Seals face as you prayed for him-and his wife too. She was touched too, by the holy hand of God.  I love that Jesus healed them in Walmart, It is so awesome and truly a faith builder.   As you laid your hand on his Knee, he had a look of shock and asked what you put on his knee!!  You said just my hand and that Jesus was touching him, healing him…. and he began to cry and laugh at the same time. I will always treasure the joy that the young man and his wife had for our Jesus healing them. (Her back was healed too……… praise God).

All the families we prayed for Sunday were precious, and each time we prayed God was right there blessing them. 

Just call me and let me know when you’re going …………. I will be there as fast as I can get there ……

God Bless, Debbie

Monday, February 8, 2010

Treasure Hunting Declaration

And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

"These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues, … they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

…but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Kennewick, and in all Richland and Pasco, and even to the remotest part of Finley."

He has committed to us the word of reconciliation, therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ…because as He is, so also are we in this world.

Jesus says, "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.

And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, and confirmed the word by the signs that followed.

and our message and our preaching are not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, … for the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power.

For I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me, resulting in the obedience of the people by word and deed, in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of the Spirit; so that from Kennewick and round about as far as Benton City I have fully preached the gospel of Christ.

for our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction; just as you know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake.

Now, Lord, … enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus."

After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

What is Treasure Hunting

Treasure Hunting is supernatural evangelism. The “treasure” are people God wants to touch. We seek God’s direction through prayer and listening to His still small voice. Then we write down the clues He gives (words of knowledge). We seek Him for locations, descriptions of the people, names, prayer needs they might have, and anything unusual we need to find them. We then take these clues and search out God's hidden treasure.

The treasure gets to encounter the living God through His people with the result many are saved, healed, delivered, and encouraged. As a side benefit, the treasure hunter gets to have a lot of fun and see God work miracles right in front of our eyes.

We learned how to “treasure hunt” by reading Kevin Dedmon’s book, The Ultimate Treasure Hunt: A Guide to Supernatural Evangelism Through Supernatural Encounters.