I'm treasure hunting in church again. What a good way to practice the gifts of the Spirit. Yes, you can practice. How else do you learn?
Seated about 8 rows in front of me about was a new couple I had not met before. The wife had a blond ponytail, one of three clues from the treasure map used the day before in Howard Amon Park (previous post). During the greeting time in the service I introduced myself and ask her if she had hip and back pain. Her name was Marilyn, and she did have pain to both places. I asked her to come up front for prayer during the ministry time as I believed God was going to heal her.
At the beginning of the service I asked the young lady, Lnydsey, that had went treasure hunting with me the day before, if she would like to be on a prayer team with me at the end of the service, and she said yes.
To make a long story short, as Marilyn was coming up for prayer, I told Lyndsey that I was not going to pray; she was going to do all the praying. She just has to do the things she saw me do the day before in the park. It turned out that Marilyn has pain in her hip, upper back, and both knees. When Lyndsey was done, the pain was gone. I also got to watch Marilyn’s left leg grow out about a 1/2 inch, as Lyndsey commanded the hip pain to go. Oh yeah!!!
The kingdom of God was being activated in Lyndsey. She was moving from classroom Christianity to bringing heaven to earth. She was becoming a "normal Christian".