Its Saturday again. The previous four Saturday's I've had divine encounters while grocery shopping at Walmart. Would I have another one today?
I again stopped to encourage the fund raisers from Victory Outreach, took my grocery list and a treasure map, and entered the store. One of the leaders from Victory Outreach joined me for a few minutes as I started shopping. During those few minutes at the entrance, I did get to pray for back healing in a Vietnam Vet (he was wearing the hat). He wasn't on my treasure map but as a fellow vet we had something in common which made starting a conversation more natural.
We approached a family who had one of the clues on map but they were not interested. The young man who had joined me had to go back to his fund raiser and I continued my shopping.
As I picked up the items on my shopping list, I glanced at others shopping, looking for the clues Holy Spirit had given me on my Treasure Map. It was while walking between the yogurt section and the deli, where I was going to pick up some potato salad, that I saw him. He was wearing a purple striped shirt, had long gray hair, and a wrist brace; three clues from my map.
Oh oh, now it was time to cross the chicken line. His name was Pat. And for the five minutes we were together, heaven came to earth. Pat was suffering from rheumatoid arthritis in this wrist and was in a lot of pain. As I laid my hand on his wrist he told me about the heat he was feeling. He took off the wrist brace and all the pain was gone. Another quick prayer and he had full mobility of the wrist as well.
Next was his back. He had two screws that had loosened in his L5 vertebrae from a previous back surgery and had to have another surgery to repair the first. I laid my hand on his lower back and he felt the heat again but this time he said that something was moving in his back. It was like something was shifting around. He twisted his back from side to side and couldn't feel any pain. Jesus had just touched this man and I am amazed that He did it through me!
Believers, what are we waiting for? He's already done His part 2000 years ago. God is waiting on us to do what He commanded us: As you go, release the kingdom of God.