Friday, September 27, 2013

Lyndsey…”becoming a normal Christian.”

I'm treasure hunting in church again. What a good way to practice the gifts of the Spirit. Yes, you can practice. How else do you learn?

Seated about 8 rows in front of me about was a new couple I had not met before. The wife had a blond ponytail, one of three clues from the treasure map used the day before in Howard Amon Park (previous post).  During the greeting time in the service I introduced myself and ask her if she had hip and back pain.  Her name was Marilyn, and she did have pain to both places. I asked her to come up front for prayer during the ministry time as I believed God was going to heal her.

At the beginning of the service I asked the young lady, Lnydsey, that had went treasure hunting with me the day before, if she would like to be on a prayer team with me at the end of the service, and she said yes.

To make a long story short, as Marilyn was coming up for prayer, I told Lyndsey that I was not going to pray; she was going to do all the praying.  She just has to do the things she saw me do the day before in the park. It turned out that Marilyn has pain in her hip, upper back, and both knees. When Lyndsey was done, the pain was gone. I also got to watch Marilyn’s left leg grow out about a 1/2 inch, as Lyndsey commanded the hip pain to go. Oh yeah!!!


Lyndsey and Marilyn

The kingdom of God was being activated in Lyndsey.  She was moving from classroom Christianity to bringing heaven to earth. She was becoming a "normal Christian".

Sunday, August 25, 2013

God: Between the Yogurt and the Potato Salad

Its Saturday again.  The previous four Saturday's I've had divine encounters while grocery shopping at Walmart.  Would I have another one today?

I again stopped to encourage the fund raisers from Victory Outreach, took my grocery list and a treasure map, and entered the store.  One of the leaders from Victory Outreach joined me for a few minutes as I started shopping.  During those few minutes at the entrance, I did get to pray for back healing in a Vietnam Vet (he was wearing the hat).  He wasn't on my treasure map but as a fellow vet we had something in common which made starting a conversation more natural.

We approached a family who had one of the clues on map but they were not interested.  The young man who had joined me had to go back to his fund raiser and I continued my shopping.

As I picked up the items on my shopping list, I glanced at others shopping, looking for the clues Holy Spirit had given me on my Treasure Map.  It was while walking between the yogurt section and the deli, where I was going to pick up some potato salad, that I saw him.  He was wearing a purple striped shirt, had long gray hair, and a wrist brace; three clues from my map.

Oh oh, now it was time to cross the chicken line.  His name was Pat.  And for the five minutes we were together, heaven came to earth.  Pat was suffering from rheumatoid arthritis in this wrist and was in a lot of pain.  As I laid my hand on his wrist he told me about the heat he was feeling.  He took off the wrist brace and all the pain was gone.  Another quick prayer and he had full mobility of the wrist as well.

Next was his back.  He had two screws that had loosened in his L5 vertebrae from a previous back surgery and had to have another surgery to repair the first.  I laid my hand on his lower back and he felt the heat again but this time he said that something was moving in his back.  It was like something was shifting around.  He twisted his back from side to side and couldn't feel any pain.  Jesus had just touched this man and I am amazed that He did it through me!

A God encounter for Pat and myself.

Believers, what are we waiting for?   He's already done His part 2000 years ago.  God is waiting on us to do what He commanded us:  As you go, release the kingdom of God.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Milk Miracle

I left the wedding reception of Ashley and Matt, being held at Columbia Foursquare Church, and stopped off at Walmart on my way home. I needed to pick up a gallon of milk.

There they were again: Volunteers from Victory Outreach Church doing another fund raiser. I again stopped over to donate some money for their cause. I still had a treasure map in my pocket from Friday’s treasure hunt at Howard Amon Park. One of the young men at the fund raiser had a black/white hat (one of my clues). It turned out he had a pretty bad headache coming on so I offered to pray for him. He took off his hat and I touch his head and said, “Headache, go!” As fast as I could say the words the pain was gone! Oh Yeah!


I kind of messed up the video, but this is what I got.

By the time I was finished I had prayed for 3 different guys and got to talk with the guy that I had prayed for the Saturday before. His back is still healed and he can now sleep on a bed. Thank you Papa God.

The leader of this group asked me to pray for a friend that was suffering from seizures. Instead, I had him put out his hands, and I prayed over his hands. I laid my hands on his hands and told him to go to his friend, lay hands on his sick friend and command the seizures to leave, in the name of Jesus. I tried to encourage him, that as a believer, he could lay hands on his sick friend for healing. Then I went to buy some milk.

I had my milk in my cart and the leader of the group found me inside Walmart and wanted to talk about what I had said. He said that he had told his group almost the exact words that I had used. He had told them about the power of God being released through the laying on of hands. He thought that had to be more than a coincidence and must be Holy Spirit talking through me.

He also shared that when I had laid my hands on his hands, he felt something like power (tingling) go into his hand and travel up his arm.

WOW! Who would have guessed that buying a gallon of milk would turn into another God encounter?  We just have to be available for Holy Spirit to use at any time and He will.

There Is No Junior Holy Spirit.

I took Colby and Lindsey out treasure hunting at Howard Amon Park in Richland. These two young people were ready for a Holy Spirit adventure.  We prayed for a total of 6 people and had an awesome time. The most dramatic encounter we had was with a couple playing with their kids next to the river. We had a clue of red hair on our treasure map and the mom had long, red hair.

Red Hair Clue

We walked down to them and I approached the husband, explained what we were doing, and asked if they needed healing prayer or prayer for any of the other clues on our maps. He said his wife suffered from back pain. I showed him a video on my phone of a guy’s back getting healed at Walmart.

Then he called his wife over and I showed her the same video. She agreed to let us pray for her back. We also had clues of “short leg” and “blue eyes”. She also had one leg shorter than the other, and she had blue eyes.

I had her sit down on the grassy edge and I checked the length of her legs. The right leg was about ¾” shorter than the left. I commanded the leg to grow and for the back pain to leave. The leg came right out until it was even with the left. What the heck. I had the right leg grow some more and it came out another ¼” until it was longer than the left. Then I had the right leg go back until both legs were even and I had her check her back and she said she couldn’t feel the pain.


I made sure her husband and my other treasure hunters watched the whole encounter. Colby even snapped a picture with his cell phone. I then told the husband, “You have just saw a miracle with your own eyes.” I told them both about Jesus and planted seeds of the gospel.

They then asked for prayer to have more kids. They had children but after 10 years of trying they couldn’t have any more. We prayed they would have so many kids they would have to say to God, “Enough, that’s enough.”

My two young treasure hunters got to release the kingdom of God and His love on God’s treasure, people, and had a really fun time doing it. There is no junior Holy Spirit.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Hamburger Meat Healing

I hadn’t seen my brother and his family for two years. They were stopping by from Montana on their way to Oregon. A BBQ was in order but I had no hamburger meat. It was off to the Kennewick Walmart for BBQ supplies.

At the entrance two young men were manning a fundraising booth for a local Christian charity. I stopped to drop some cash into the collection bucket and to encourage them.

I had a nudge from Holy Spirit. “Do either of you have pain right now? I think it’s back pain”, I asked. One of the two had about level 6 back pain. His back so messed up he could not even sleep in a bed, but had to sleep on the floor to manage the pain.

One quick command, “Back pain, be healed in Jesus name!”, and he was good. It only took about 15 seconds.


Healed while I was going to buy some hamburger meat.

Followers of Christ should always be ready to release the kingdom of God wherever we go, even shopping for BBQ supplies at Walmart.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Our African Adventure - Part 6 - “I knew I was in trouble…”

Thursday was an off day during our mission trip to Kimbo, Nairobi, Kenya. Only a few more days and our group of 14 from Columbia Foursquare Church would start our long plane ride home. I was not looking forward to being stuck in those small airline seats for the flight home.

Our bus went all around Nairobi taking us to tourist sites like the elephant orphanage, Giraffe Park, shopping, and other fun places. A couple of times our bus hit some rough places in the road and those of us in the back of the bus took a pretty good jolt.

Church bus (800x600)



Odd, when I got out of bed Friday morning it felt like I had bruised my tailbone. It must have been the bus ride from the day before, or so I thought. The soreness did not get any better all that day.

When I got up Saturday morning I knew I was in trouble. I was in a lot of pain and it felt like I had two tailbones as I now had a hard lump that wasn't there the day before. I could not sit down without awful pain. My brother-in-law, Roger, would have to take a look to see what was going on.  I didn't want to traumatize him too bad but I was desperate to find out what was happening to me. He took a look and said, "Oh, I gotta get a picture of this. It looks like you've been bitten by a spider." I had an open wound where I had been bitten and a large lump beneath the skin. Oh no! How was I going to get on the airplane the next day. I could not sit without terrible pain and the spider’s venom was invading my body.

Tip: When in Africa, always shake out your clothes before you put them on, and do not leave your luggage lying on the floor of your room, unzipped. Little crawling things can get into your clothing!!

I had seen many healing miracles during the week but now the need was very personal. I had no access to a doctor, fear was coming against my mind, and I knew I was in trouble. I turned to the only one who could help: God. I also started taking some antibiotics that I brought for traveler’s diarrhea and applied some bug bite lotion and medicine others on the team had brought with them.
Thank God for believers that believe God still heals today. I had members of our CFC team lay hands on me and pray for my healing and I also contacted my wife to have the intercessors at home start praying for me as well. In the back of my mind I knew I had to get on the planes and sit for 20 plus hours. Help God!

All day Saturday as our team taught and ministered to others, I felt no change in my body. The pain and the lump were there all day. I would have to leave the next day no matter what.

I awoke Sunday morning to find the pain almost completely gone and the lump had shrunk by 90% overnight. I had Roger take another look at the wound. He took a look and exclaimed, "It's a miracle!" The bite wound was gone! I now had new pink skin where the day before was a nasty, festering bite wound. My God showed up again and this time it was for me. Thank You, thank You, thank You, Papa God. You are awesome!

The plane ride home was longer than scheduled due to weather delays so I sat even longer than expected. Although there was a slight tenderness due to what was left of the lump, I did fine. The following day the remaining lump due to the venom was also completely gone. God's healing miracle for me was complete!

I've got the best Dad in the whole world!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

"How did you do that???"

Rock -the-Lot is a neighborhood outreach event put on by Columbia Foursquare Church.  Two years before I got to see a young black man's right shoulder healed, and have a salvation encounter with Jesus at the same event.  This year we got to pray for a lot of different people but I will share the story of Calvin and his mom.
Calvin lives in the neighborhood and had brought his family for some food and fun at our event.  Calvin came up to me and asked for prayer for a family issue with his mom.  She lives in another city and he was trying to get her moved to the Tri-Cities to be closer to him.  I said that we would love to pray for his family situation.  Just then I had a nudge from Holy Spirit.  "Do you have any pain in your body?” I asked.  It turned out Calvin was in level 9 pain in his right shoulder.  Our team laid hands on Calvin and he was instantly healed and all the pain left.  What????  Two years before - young black man, right shoulder healed.  What's Holy Spirit tying to tell me? 

Calvin's mom was also in a lot of pain.  She had a severe pain in her right knee as well as her shoulder and back.  The team laid our hands on this lady and she was totally healed as well!  All her pain left!!!  Jesus, You are awesome.  We then prayed for the family issue Calvin originally came to us for and the family headed over to the bouncy house.

Calvins mom

Calvin’s mom came back and asked for prayer for one more thing; her eyes.  She was legally blind due to what looked like cataracts.  She said her eyes were all scratched up.  I laid my hands on her eyes, prayed, and there was no immediate change.  Later she reported that her eyes were better and getting clearer all the time. Oh yeah!!!!

As awesome as my time at Rock-the-Lot was, what happened later in the afternoon impacted me even more.  I went to the Kennewick Walmart to pick up some dinner salads from their deli.  Going into the store I stopped to visit with a young man raising money for a gang outreach program from a local church.  I showed him the Calvin video on my phone to encourage him with what God can do.  I was delayed about five minutes talking with this new Christian.  It was just the right amount of time!

I took about 15 steps to get a cart and immediately a young black man drove up behind me in a motorized cart.  And then there was another nudge from Holy Spirit.  I stopped him and asked why he was driving the cart as he looked healthy.  "I hurt my knee playing basketball", was his reply.  He had a very heavy accent and I didn’t recognize the language.  Are you in pain?, I asked.  It turned out he had a very bad headache as well as an injured knee.  I asked if I could pray for him and he said yes.  I touched his head and said, "Headache go!" and it left!  I then touched his knee and said "Be healed".  I had him get off the motorized cart to check his knee.  He did a couple of deep knee bends, got a shocked look on his face and asked, "How did you do that???"  I replied, "Jesus.  Jesus lives in me and His Holy Spirit just went through me into you".  About that time the young man's dad arrived with cart full of groceries.  He was not happy.  He must of heard me telling his son about Jesus.  He spoke to his son in a foreign language and all I caught was one word:  Allah.  The young man and his father were Muslims!

Right in the entrance to Walmart was a clash of two kingdoms, and Jesus won.  I told the young man to tell his father what had just happened.  It was Jesus that had just healed him.  He said that he would tell his father what happened.

Some people say that Christianity is boring.  They don't know the Jesus I know!!!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

J.T. The Cable Guy

We had been in our new home less than a week. It's Saturday morning and the cable installer is scheduled to come at 8am. He shows up about 25 minutes early. We can finally get an internet connection again. His name is J.T.

I happened to have a treasure map in my back pocket and I had the name J_ _ _ and green top as a couple of clues that Holy Spirit had given me. He was wearing one of those reflective green type tops so I asked, "What does the J stand for?" He replied, "John". Looking at my treasure map, two other clues jumped off the page. After explaining Treasure Hunting, I asked J.T. if he had back problems. Yes. His back was in constant pain. I then asked him if he had something going on with his neck going up into his head? He showed me a stint in his neck that was installed when he was a baby. It was part of a drainage system going into his head. J.T. had almost died at birth and this stuff is still in his body 24 years later.

Holy Spirit then gave me another word of knowledge. John had attended church as a boy and stopped going at about 11-12 years old. "Yes, that's right", John said. I then asked JT is I could pray for him and he said yes. I had John sit in a chair and sure enough one of his legs was 3/4 inch shorter that the other due to his messed up back. I commanded his back to be healed and his leg grew out as all his back pain left!!! The kingdom of God had just invaded the living room of our new house! J.T. had been suffering with this his whole life, since birth. The greatest miracle happened next. I had the honor of leading J.T. (John) in a prayer asking Jesus into his life as savior and Lord.


My wife and I had dedicated our new home to God's kingdom and I believe what had just happened was a sample of what is coming. I can hardly wait!!!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Our African Adventure - Part 5

For a couple of days our CFC team got to go out street evangelizing with the "Andrew Team" of PEFA All Nations Gospel Church. This group goes out into Kimbo (outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya) and shared Jesus door to door, visited sick church members, and takes the gospel of salvation to whomever they can talk with. They are awesome! Julie M. and I were partnered with three awesome women of God for our outreach times. On Tuesday it was Selah and Raheamha and on Wednesday, Selah and Nancy.

Julie and I were determined to bring the gospel of the kingdom not just the gospel of salvation to the people we met. Holy Spirit more than honored our risk taking. During our short time ministering it felt like we were part of the Book of Acts in the Bible. We saw a parade of miracles, healings, and salvations. I even got to drive out a spirit of infirmity from one guy we found. If I went into detail this post would be many pages long so I will condense it and only share some of the many encounters.


Some of what we saw on the streets of Kimbo…

Our very first encounter was with a small group of men gathered at the doorway of a building. We approached them and I asked them if any of them had any pain or an injury we could pray for. One man was in much pain due to an old motorcycle accident and even had metal in his body from the surgeries. I laid my hands on him and spoke healing over his body. He was instantly healed! He then exclaimed, "You are a prophet!" That took me totally by surprise. I said, "No, I'm not a prophet. I'm just a Christian". He kept insisting that I must be a prophet because of the miracle that just happened to him. A second man, who was a little drunk, had watched this all happen. He wanted prayer as well. He had a breathing problem, a tightness right in the center of his chest. In a few seconds he was healed and could breathe freely. He then said that a pain was now moving between his throat and his stomach. I commanded the unclean spirit to leave and he felt it go and all moving pain left with it. I then led both of these men to Jesus, the greatest miracle of all.

We went to the apartment of a sick church member. She had not been able to attend church or be in the choir for a very long time due to her illness. The doctors were unable to help her. We found her disappointed with God because of her long illness. She had slowly recovered and now seemed well, except that her right arm was still paralyzed. Julie M. laid her hand on the young women and released healing into her body in the name of Jesus. We asked the woman to try and move her arm. As she did it was totally healed and restored. It was awesome! The gospel of the kingdom of God had just come into her home!

While walking the neighborhood, we came upon an older man with a cane. Many years before he had been an athletic on the Kenya Olympic team until he had damaged his knee. Now he couldn't walk without the use of his cane. The damaged knee happened 27 years before we found him. In less than a minute he was walking without his cane and with no pain as Jesus touched him through my hand. The gospel of the kingdom of God had just come to this man.

Did you know that God can do more than you can ask or even think? I like to experiment with God and see what He will do through me. Holy Spirit is amazing! I got to lead three young men to Jesus the Christ via what I call the "hand prayer." When words alone are not enough, a physical touch from Holy Spirit will sometimes bring a person to the reality of the living God, Jesus. I led these three young men in a simple prayer, "Holy Spirit reveal Jesus to me." Then I held my hands a few inches above their outstretched hands, released the presence of Holy Spirit, and asked them what they were feeling. Usually a person will feel, heat, tingling, pressure, or weight in their hands. After feeling God's presence touching them, these three young men then listened to what we had to say, the gospel, and gave their lives to Jesus on the spot. Holy Spirit is the best evangelist!

Kevin, one of the young men who encountered Holy Spirit and salvation.

Kevins Salvation

There were so many other encounters I could share as well, but the last one is the most important to me. On the Sunday we were leaving to fly home, one of the elders of the church who himself was healed during the encounter prayer time (earlier post), brought his wife to me for healing prayer. She had bad arthritis in her hip and was in a lot of pain. After his own healing, he insisted that I pray for his wife. I spotted Selah, one of the ladies leading our outreach team. I motioned for her to come over. She had seen all the stuff I have written about in this post. I had Selah lay her hands on the elder’s wife’s hip and pray. The lady was instantly healed of all arthritis pain in her hip.

We had accomplished what God had sent us to Kenya for. Selah as well as many others in the church had been activated to release God’s kingdom into their community with power and authority. The kingdom of God looks like salvation, healing, and deliverance.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Our African Adventure - Part 4

Part of what the CFC team did while in Pastor Watonga's church in Kimbo was to teach and lead his leadership through what we call an "Encounter". It is usually a two day retreat designed to take a new believer through the basics of the Christian faith and to look deeply into all area's of their lives and how life experiences effect their faith walk with God. It is structured in such a way to have the participants look at their lives, deal with sin, and teach them how to grow and mature in God's kingdom.

Pastor Watonga wanted his leadership to go through an encounter so that after we left they could teach and lead members of his church through an Encounter retreat as well.

All the members of our team taught different session and I got to teach the last session called "The Baptism in the Holy Spirit". As part of my teaching, I presented "Dave's Miracle Journal". It is my log book of my own supernatural experiences with Holy Spirit. Almost everything written in it is healing testimonies that Holy Spirit has done through me. It is my "Book of Acts". I started it less than two years ago and now have over 50 pages documenting the healing miracles and supernatural encounters. I showed the many written pages to the students and then showed them a totally blank page. The blank page represented the 1st 25 years of my Christian life. No one got saved, healed, or delivered through me. I challenged them to "step over the chicken line" (fear), and take risks of faith for God. They could play it safe and see nothing or take risks of faith and see God's power work through them.


Lawrence, one of the students asked me after the session if he had to "step over the chicken line" to see the things I see. I told him there was no other way. He had to step out in faith if he wanted God to work through his hands.

Lawrence is employed as a sergeant in the local police force. That night he went to work and two of his prisoners got instantly healed after Lawrence prayed for them. The next morning (Sunday), I got to listen as Lawrence shared with his whole church what God had done through his hands the night before. He stepped "over the line of the chicken (his words)" and Holy Spirit invaded his jail with healing power. Lawrence now had a start to his own "Book of Acts".


The testimony of what Jesus has done helps create an expectancy of what He will do.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Our African Adventure - Part 3

It’s Sunday afternoon and now it’s my turn to cross the “Chicken Line”. I have to preach and facilitate a miracle/healing service. It’s something I have never done before. I put together a half-dozen scriptures or so on why God still heals today, a couple of healing testimonies that I believed God wanted me to share, and just went for it. They can’t fire me as I volunteered to come to Kenya and paid my own way. The assistant pastor, Robert, of Kimbo All Nations Gospel Church was my interpreter. He translated my message into the Swahili language.

After sharing my message and testimonies, I called for the “Red Hat Girl” to come and share what had happened to her just a couple of hours before. That girl can preach! The faith level in the room rose as she shared how Roger and I had found her (Treasure Hunting) and about her healing.

 I then asked anyone in the church that had any of the issues that were in the testimonies to stand. As they stood up the team from Columbia Foursquare Church spread out across the room and began to lay hands and pray for those that had stood up.
Robert and I went to a lady off by herself on the right side of the sanctuary. She had a severe vision problem with her right eye. Her vision had been bad in that eye for 10 years. I laid my hand over her eyes twice, commanding her eye to be healed. After the 2nd time her vision was totally restored. She was so overwhelmed at what God had done for her she just broke down and started crying.
I brought her to the front of the church to share with the people what God had done for her. Then the floodgates opened. There was a flood of people getting healed, delivered from demonic oppression, and two young men gave their lived to Jesus after the power of the Holy Spirit healed them both.
This service was just a sample of what God did through our team during the rest of the week. We had two shorter healing services during the week and the results were the same. Most of the miracles were instantaneous, effortless, and awesome!
The next morning, as we were preparing for the children’s event, Robert shared with me about his painful back. He didn’t ask for prayer the night before as he was helping me. “How about now?, I asked. I sat him down in a chair to check the length of his legs. If a person has a messed up back, usually one of their legs is shorter than the other. Sure enough one of Roberts’s legs was about ¾ inch shorter than the other. My plan was to command the leg to grow and watch as God healed his back. Holy Spirit didn’t give me enough time to even do that. I just looked at his short leg and it grew out before I could do anything! I had Pastor Robert stand up and check his back and sure enough he was totally healed!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Our African Adventure - Part 2

It was Easter Sunday and Pastor Jon had preached two services at Pastor James Wasonga’s church: Kembo All Nations Gospel Church (Nairobi). The African believers are awesome worshippers. Wow! I got rocked! But, I was up next. I had to preach and lead a miracle/healing service starting a 4:00pm that afternoon. What had I gotten myself into? It was something I had never done before. I had watched Bill Johnson do it so I made up my mind to just copy what he did. He always shared lots of healing testimonies so that was what I was going to do. Then God presented us with our 1st African healing testimony. Her name is Jen.

Some of our group were resting and waiting for the next service to get ready to start. We were sitting outside of Pastor James’s office when Rick F. said to me, “That young lady looks like she has a back problem.” I didn’t see what he saw. What I saw was someone that was on the treasure map I had filled out before I had left the states. She was wearing a red, white, and black checked shirt. I went up to her and showed her my map and asked her if I could pray for her. Sure enough she did have back pain just like Rick said. She let me lay my hands on her back and in about 30 seconds she was totally healed. Thank you Jesus. Now, for the rest of the story.

Roger had just walked up and was smiling. Jen was looking at him and was thinking we were working together. It turns out that Roger had found her on his treasure map two hours earlier. His wife Terri had texted Roger a clue the day before. He was to look for someone wearing a “Red, floppy, hat”. Jen was wearing a red, floppy, hat. He took Lydia, the pastor’s wife that had been healed the night before, to talk with Jen. Lydia told Jen that she had been singled out by God for a blessing and that she should let Roger pray for her. Roger showed Jen the txt on his cell phone of the “red hat” clue from Terri. So Jen let Roger pray for her family and for employment but did not mention the back pain she was suffering from.

Now I had found the same young lady, two hours later, using totally different treasure maps and different clues. Guess what? A short time later this same young lady was in front of her church sharing how God had found her and healed her. Her testimony unleashed faith in the room, and there was a flood of healings during the prayer time. Holy Spirit had set the whole thing up and arraigned everything we needed to be successful and to do what HE wanted to do. It started with a short txt message from 10,000 miles away and ended with a boatload of healings and salvations.

Jen, The Red Hat Girl


Our 1st African healing…

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Our African Adventure–Part 1, The Plane Flights

2013-03-28 05.12.18
The above picture was taken in the Pasco Airport .

Sixteen of us from Columbia Foursquare Church in Richland went on a short term missions trip to Kenya.  We have so many stories from our trip I will only share the few I was part of.  I would have to write a novel to share them all.

Both Roger and I filled out treasure maps for the plane flights and airports we would be waiting in. I determined to be “open for kingdom business” all the way to Africa and back. On the Denver to Newark, NJ flight, Roger had the opportunity to pray for a stewardess that was having difficulty lifting carry-on bags to the overhead storage compartments. It turned out she had a pinched nerve in her neck. She had Roger meet her in the back of the plane during a quiet time for prayer. A short time later, she stopped between Roger and my seat and reported, “All the pain is gone.” While Roger was in the back of the plane praying for the stewardess, I moved up a couple of rows and prayed for a lady suffering from the effects of a stroke. I didn’t see any immediate change but I stepped over “the chicken line”.

During our layover time in the Newark airport, I saw a black man that was a shoe shine guy. I took a chance and asked him if he had any back pain. “Yes”, he answered. He gave me the “look” when I asked him if I could pray for Jesus to heal him. I laid my hand on his back and he reported that his back was getting warm. When I removed my hand his back was better and then I got to tell him how much Jesus loved him. He said he had done too much in his life to be forgiven. I told them nothing we have done is this life is more powerful than the sacrifice that Jesus did on the cross for us. I then got to speak a prophetic word over his life.

The Newark to Zurich flight was a long one and the plane was full. One good thing is that I did have an aisle seat again. Two of the clues on my treasure map were soldier and wrist problem. I did not see any soldiers on the flight. One of the male flight attendants was a black man and he did all the announcements in German. He was part of the New York based flight team. While he was serving us lunch he asked Brandon, who was sitting across the aisle from me if he was a soldier. Brandon did have the look of a soldier (haircut). During their conversion, the steward mentioned he was a soldier in the reserves. My ears picked right up! Here was the soldier I was looking for. As he was serving me my food, I told him he was on my treasure map and I asked him if he had a problem with his wrist. He said “Yes”. He had injured his wrist using heavy weapons while on duty in Afghanistan. I told him that before the flight was over I wanted to pray for his wrist. God wanted to heal him. I tried a couple of times to meet up with him in the back of the plane but it never worked out even though it was a 8 hour flight. I figured that I had tried but it the timing just wasn’t going to work out with his schedule.

Then the impossible happened. As we were all buckled in and on our decent into the Zurich airport, the young man came up the aisle, knelt down next to me, and held out his wrist for me to pray. I laid my hand on his wrist and the power of Holy Spirit went into his wrist and up his hand and fingers. He was amazed as he felt the power of God healing his wrist. He then mentioned he had back pain as well. We had no more time for prayer as he had to take his seat for landing. After landing and we were departing the plane, he gave me a great big bear hug. As I was hugging him I laid my hands on his back to commanded his back to be healed as well.

Now for the most important part of this encounter, I asked the young soldier where he was from. He said, “Nairobi, Kenya”, the very place we were going. It was the prophetic voice of Holy Spirit speaking of what was before us. I left that plane in total awe of my God. He can create signs that make you wonder!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Africa Team Car Wash

The Columbia Foursquare Church Africa team was having a fund raising car wash right on George Washington Way in Richland. After washing a few cars, Tracy traded with me and had me take over manning the sign directing cars to our car wash.
After a short time a young man came walking up the sidewalk behind me. I stopped him and asked him if he needed a car wash (dumb question as he was walking). He said he didn’t drive. I informed him we were Christians and asked if there was anything he needed prayer for. After giving me a puzzled look he said he was OK. I prodded him with more questions and he finally added admitted that he had level 8 knee pain in both legs and had an eye problem.
About that time Tracy came to tell me to take down the sign as we were swamped with too many cars. Great! I now had a ministry team.  The young man’s name was John. I asked John if I could lay my hands on his knees and he said, “Yes”. So right there next to GWay I laid my hands on his knees and commanded the pain to go and for his knees to be healed. After about 30 seconds or so, John was doing squats with zero pain in his knees. Then Tracy started prophesying into John’s life situation and releasing life into his soul. John was wrecked. Tracy then headed back over to the car wash.
2013-03-16 12.31.05
It turned out that John was legally blind and had been that way his whole life. There was a large sign about 40 ft. away and John couldn’t see it. I had John close his eyes as I laid my hands on them and commanded his vision to be healed. He opened his eyes and reported that his vision was clearer. Yeah God!!! I repeated my part and had him check it out again. Jesus himself prayed twice for a blind man so I felt like I was kind of walking in His shoes. John said that his vision was clear and that he could now see the sign!!! OMG!!! I tried to remain calm on the outside but inside I was doing cartwheels. I then got to explain the good news of Jesus to John and tell him it was Jesus that just healed his knees and eyes.
I believe this encounter was prophetic for our CFC Africa team. What was God going to do through us in Kenya? It won’t be long now.