For a couple of days our CFC team got to go out street evangelizing with the "Andrew Team" of PEFA All Nations Gospel Church. This group goes out into Kimbo (outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya) and shared Jesus door to door, visited sick church members, and takes the gospel of salvation to whomever they can talk with. They are awesome! Julie M. and I were partnered with three awesome women of God for our outreach times. On Tuesday it was Selah and Raheamha and on Wednesday, Selah and Nancy.
Julie and I were determined to bring the gospel of the kingdom not just the gospel of salvation to the people we met. Holy Spirit more than honored our risk taking. During our short time ministering it felt like we were part of the Book of Acts in the Bible. We saw a parade of miracles, healings, and salvations. I even got to drive out a spirit of infirmity from one guy we found. If I went into detail this post would be many pages long so I will condense it and only share some of the many encounters.
Some of what we saw on the streets of Kimbo…
Our very first encounter was with a small group of men gathered at the doorway of a building. We approached them and I asked them if any of them had any pain or an injury we could pray for. One man was in much pain due to an old motorcycle accident and even had metal in his body from the surgeries. I laid my hands on him and spoke healing over his body. He was instantly healed! He then exclaimed, "You are a prophet!" That took me totally by surprise. I said, "No, I'm not a prophet. I'm just a Christian". He kept insisting that I must be a prophet because of the miracle that just happened to him. A second man, who was a little drunk, had watched this all happen. He wanted prayer as well. He had a breathing problem, a tightness right in the center of his chest. In a few seconds he was healed and could breathe freely. He then said that a pain was now moving between his throat and his stomach. I commanded the unclean spirit to leave and he felt it go and all moving pain left with it. I then led both of these men to Jesus, the greatest miracle of all.
We went to the apartment of a sick church member. She had not been able to attend church or be in the choir for a very long time due to her illness. The doctors were unable to help her. We found her disappointed with God because of her long illness. She had slowly recovered and now seemed well, except that her right arm was still paralyzed. Julie M. laid her hand on the young women and released healing into her body in the name of Jesus. We asked the woman to try and move her arm. As she did it was totally healed and restored. It was awesome! The gospel of the kingdom of God had just come into her home!
While walking the neighborhood, we came upon an older man with a cane. Many years before he had been an athletic on the Kenya Olympic team until he had damaged his knee. Now he couldn't walk without the use of his cane. The damaged knee happened 27 years before we found him. In less than a minute he was walking without his cane and with no pain as Jesus touched him through my hand. The gospel of the kingdom of God had just come to this man.
Did you know that God can do more than you can ask or even think? I like to experiment with God and see what He will do through me. Holy Spirit is amazing! I got to lead three young men to Jesus the Christ via what I call the "hand prayer." When words alone are not enough, a physical touch from Holy Spirit will sometimes bring a person to the reality of the living God, Jesus. I led these three young men in a simple prayer, "Holy Spirit reveal Jesus to me." Then I held my hands a few inches above their outstretched hands, released the presence of Holy Spirit, and asked them what they were feeling. Usually a person will feel, heat, tingling, pressure, or weight in their hands. After feeling God's presence touching them, these three young men then listened to what we had to say, the gospel, and gave their lives to Jesus on the spot. Holy Spirit is the best evangelist!
Kevin, one of the young men who encountered Holy Spirit and salvation.

There were so many other encounters I could share as well, but the last one is the most important to me. On the Sunday we were leaving to fly home, one of the elders of the church who himself was healed during the encounter prayer time (earlier post), brought his wife to me for healing prayer. She had bad arthritis in her hip and was in a lot of pain. After his own healing, he insisted that I pray for his wife. I spotted Selah, one of the ladies leading our outreach team. I motioned for her to come over. She had seen all the stuff I have written about in this post. I had Selah lay her hands on the elder’s wife’s hip and pray. The lady was instantly healed of all arthritis pain in her hip.
We had accomplished what God had sent us to Kenya for. Selah as well as many others in the church had been activated to release God’s kingdom into their community with power and authority. The kingdom of God looks like salvation, healing, and deliverance.