My sister Teri and I had the pleasure of teaching the interns from Columbia Foursquare Church in Richland, about Treasure Hunting (supernatural evangelism). The bold and underlined portions of the following text are just a few of the clues we used to find the people we prayed for.
After about an hour of teaching, testimonies, and a prayer of impartation, we got our clues (words of knowledge) and headed for the mall. We all met up at the Barnes and Noble coffee shop and the two teams left from there. Sarah, Catlin, and Jordon were on my team. Brandon and Rebecca went with Teri.
What happened over the next 45 minutes or so was awesome. Before my team even got out of the bookstore we had prayed for 2 people. The blond lady at the table next to us had all her back pain leave as Sarah and Caitlin prayed for her. I then got to pray for a young Muslim man because he had red shoe laces. He jokingly asked for a million dollars when I asked what I could pray for. His attitude changed as I released the goodness of God over him and his life.
We next found a lady with red shoes, black/streaked hair with a red belt working at a cosmetic stand. She asked, “How did you know I needed prayer”. Her marriage had fallen apart a few days earlier and she had young children. She suffered from headaches, usually triggered because of neck pain. Her neck was hurting at the time so Sarah and Caitlin laid their hands on her and she also was healed. I asked her if she had ever invited Jesus into her life. She had not but said “yes” when I asked her if she would like to. We did not get lead her in a salvation prayer as she had to get back to work. I did get to leave her some contact info.
The family we prayed for next just blew me away. I spotted a young girl with with a butterfly and the colors blue/yellow on her shirt. After flagging down the rest of my team we had to chase down this family and caught up with them not far from the clock tower. It was a family of 6 people. The two sons were wearing red shirts. The father’s name started with a B, another one of our clues. What happened next was awesome. One of our clues was joint pain. The dad had a rotator cuff injury to his right shoulder and was in constant pain. He could not raise his arm or even move it enough to pull his seatbelt over, in his car. Jordon laid his hand on the man’s shoulder and after two quick prayers, all the pain left and he had full mobility of movement. Yeah God!!!
The family’s grandmother was also in need of prayer. She was in a wheelchair and was suffering from severe pain in her wrists and back due to arthritis. She had already suffered through a battle of colon cancer and looked in pretty bad shape. Sarah laid her hands on both wrists and gentle prayed over this lady. After a short time of prayer we had her check out her wrists and the pain was gone in the right wrist. After another prayer the pain also left the left one as well. Then the lady said, “I want out of this wheelchair”! She got up and after one more short prayer the pain left her back as well. Her family was blown away as they watched their grandma do things they knew she could not do. OMG!!!!
I don’t have details about all the people Teri’s team prayed for other than they found a lady with level 7 back pain. Rebecca laid her hands on her back and the pain went to a zero!!!!
Not a bad first Treasure Hunt for the CFC interns. Five people healed and one possible salvation in about 45 minutes.