Rock-The-Lot is an annual outreach the church I belong to does for the people in the surrounding neighborhood. We provide free food, games, Christian music, and fellowship in the parking lot of our church. The kids and families from the neighborhood have a great time.
This year, my home group was manning the prayer table. I was expecting great things and had asked Papa God to spiritually, ROCK-THE-LOT! I wanted to see more than just full stomachs.
On the way to the church I received a word of knowledge that a person with a first name starting with the letter “J” was who I needed to look for. At the event I asked a young man named Robbie if he had anything from Holy Spirit as to who needed prayer. He said, “right shoulder-blade.” I had two clues but didn’t know who that person was. No one had come to our prayer table yet so I figured I would look around at the people. I noticed a young man and he was highlighted by Holy Spirit to me. He had a white scull on his hat. Kind of creepy, but it reminded me of an old clue from a previous treasure hunt. I went for it.
His name was James and he had injured his right shoulder blade in a skate board accident. He could hardly move his right arm and was in a lot of pain. After asking me how I knew this stuff about him, he followed me over to the prayer table for a time of ministry.
What happened next rocked us all. I laid my hand on his shoulder, commanded the pain to leave and had him check it out. Within 30 seconds he was totally healed. I decided to go deeper. I had him hold his hands out in front of him and had him pray, “Holy Spirit reveal Jesus to me.” I didn’t touch him at first. I just held my hands over his. He started to feel the presence of Holy Spirit in his hands at first, then up his arms, and then into his whole body. I grabbed his hands so he wouldn’t fall down. What was cool was he was describing what was happening to him as it happened. He said it felt like he was floating in air, he felt so light.
I then led him to Jesus, the greatest of all healings! I prophesied to him that he was like a dry sponge that God was filling up with His presence and that living water was coming in him. The cool thing was about 15 minutes later Bob S., a man from my church, joined us and had the exact same prophetic word for this young man. That meant as much to me as James, as I knew I had heard the voice of God correctly. I was totally ROCKED as was James! After that, James said he had to sit down. “How do you guys do this?” he asked. Bob just happened to have a New Testament bible in his car and gave it to James.
God had set this whole encounter up and he let us partner in what He wanted to do. He had truly Rocked-The-Lot!