Julie and I were greeting people this Sunday morning at our church so I decided to fill out a small treasure map to practice treasure hunting the people coming to church. What a good way to practice hearing from God.
I wrote my clues on a small slip of paper and put it in my pocket. The clues were woman, brown hair, solid colored top, name that started with a M______, and short leg. How was I going to find someone with a short leg? I didn’t know how that was going to work.
As the people were coming in I noticed a lady that had a solid colored top. She also had brown hair. Three clues so far. I missed the name though, as her name was Andrea. Then a thought entered my mind. I asked Andrea if she had hip pain. She said yes she did. She had fallen and hurt her hip. I asked my wife to help me pray with Andrea. After having her sit in a chair in the foyer I checked the length of her legs. Sure enough, one leg was ½ in shorter than the other. I commanded the leg to grow and in 30 seconds both legs were the same length. I then had her stand and check out her hip by moving it around. The pain was gone! We then got to share God’s love with Andrea. We told her she was on God’s mind and He loved her so much.
Greeting can be more that just handing out a church bulletin if we listen to Holy Spirit, and a lot of fun.