Friday, August 5, 2011

Belonging to God

A little testimony from last night: A small group of us from the Kennewick Healing Rooms were in downtown Kennewick giving out cold water to those on the street passing by (it was hot). I asked a young man (Dominic) passing by if he had a problem with his shoulder or back. He said his shoulder had been messed up for years and it was at a pain level of "10". He let me lay my hands on his shoulder and in about 15 sec all the pain left and he was totally healed. Then I got to tell him about the love that God has for him. It was a short but powerful encounter on the sidewalk. Then his friend walks up and Dominic starts telling his friend that his shoulder is healed. God rocks!

Interesting, but the name, Dominic, means "belonging to God".

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Rock-The-Lot is an annual outreach the church I belong to does for the people in the surrounding neighborhood. We provide free food, games, Christian music, and fellowship in the parking lot of our church. The kids and families from the neighborhood have a great time.

This year, my home group was manning the prayer table. I was expecting great things and had asked Papa God to spiritually, ROCK-THE-LOT! I wanted to see more than just full stomachs.

On the way to the church I received a word of knowledge that a person with a first name starting with the letter “J” was who I needed to look for. At the event I asked a young man named Robbie if he had anything from Holy Spirit as to who needed prayer. He said, “right shoulder-blade.” I had two clues but didn’t know who that person was. No one had come to our prayer table yet so I figured I would look around at the people. I noticed a young man and he was highlighted by Holy Spirit to me. He had a white scull on his hat. Kind of creepy, but it reminded me of an old clue from a previous treasure hunt. I went for it.

His name was James and he had injured his right shoulder blade in a skate board accident. He could hardly move his right arm and was in a lot of pain. After asking me how I knew this stuff about him, he followed me over to the prayer table for a time of ministry.

What happened next rocked us all. I laid my hand on his shoulder, commanded the pain to leave and had him check it out. Within 30 seconds he was totally healed. I decided to go deeper. I had him hold his hands out in front of him and had him pray, “Holy Spirit reveal Jesus to me.” I didn’t touch him at first. I just held my hands over his. He started to feel the presence of Holy Spirit in his hands at first, then up his arms, and then into his whole body. I grabbed his hands so he wouldn’t fall down. What was cool was he was describing what was happening to him as it happened. He said it felt like he was floating in air, he felt so light.

I then led him to Jesus, the greatest of all healings! I prophesied to him that he was like a dry sponge that God was filling up with His presence and that living water was coming in him. The cool thing was about 15 minutes later Bob S., a man from my church, joined us and had the exact same prophetic word for this young man. That meant as much to me as James, as I knew I had heard the voice of God correctly. I was totally ROCKED as was James! After that, James said he had to sit down. “How do you guys do this?” he asked. Bob just happened to have a New Testament bible in his car and gave it to James.

God had set this whole encounter up and he let us partner in what He wanted to do. He had truly Rocked-The-Lot!

Monday, July 4, 2011


Pasco has a 4th of July parade every year. I thought that this year we should celebrate Independence Day with a treasure hunt. Four of us went to a park at the end of the parade route with our “Treasure Maps” filled out with clues (words of knowledge) Holy Spirit had given us. There was so many people in the park it can sometimes be hard to see the individual in the crowd.

Then I spotted a young man in his 20’s sitting on a picnic table away from the crowd. He was wearing a red top and black shorts, two of my clues. He appeared to be gang member. I tried to talk myself out of approaching him because of his tough appearance but I felt compelled to speak to him. The two clues just seemed to match him so well. I walked up to him, informed him of what I was doing, told him he was on my “Treasure Map”, and asked him to look at some of the other clues.

“Does the name Joshua mean anything to you?” I asked. He told me that his best friend was named Joshua and that he was in jail. He said I could pray for his friend, Joshua. Another of our other clues was eye problem. He showed me his swollen, painful eye. He had been stuck in the eye by the police while being arrested. He then told me his probation was revoked and he had to go to jail. “Can I pray for your eye?” I asked. He said go ahead. I held his hand and commanded the eye to be healed. Right before my eyes the swelling went down and all the pain left. Ear problem was also on our maps. He said that he had a painful ear and the pain went all the way down his neck. I had Janette who was with me lay her hand on Salvador’s ear and command the pain to leave. In about 30 seconds he was totally healed. It was the first time Janette had seen a miracle through her hands. Awesome!

I pressed in deeper! I asked Salvador to hold out his hands. I then held my hand about 3 inches above his and invited Holy Spirit to touch Salvador so that he could feel God’s presence. After about 30 seconds I asked him what was going on. Salvador said that someone was holding his hands. I said that it isn’t me, but it was Holy Spirit himself. He was now ready. He wanted this God that had healed him and touched him in such a powerful way. I then had the privilege of leading Salvador to the Lord Jesus for salvation. I told him that even if in jail he could be free on the inside.

Salvador was just one of three people touched that morning. The other members of the group ministered to two ladies resulting in another healing and a lady getting whacked by Papa God’s love.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Short Leg

Julie and I were greeting people this Sunday morning at our church so I decided to fill out a small treasure map to practice treasure hunting the people coming to church. What a good way to practice hearing from God.

I wrote my clues on a small slip of paper and put it in my pocket. The clues were woman, brown hair, solid colored top, name that started with a M______, and short leg. How was I going to find someone with a short leg? I didn’t know how that was going to work.

As the people were coming in I noticed a lady that had a solid colored top. She also had brown hair. Three clues so far. I missed the name though, as her name was Andrea. Then a thought entered my mind. I asked Andrea if she had hip pain. She said yes she did. She had fallen and hurt her hip. I asked my wife to help me pray with Andrea. After having her sit in a chair in the foyer I checked the length of her legs. Sure enough, one leg was ½ in shorter than the other. I commanded the leg to grow and in 30 seconds both legs were the same length. I then had her stand and check out her hip by moving it around. The pain was gone! We then got to share God’s love with Andrea. We told her she was on God’s mind and He loved her so much.

Greeting can be more that just handing out a church bulletin if we listen to Holy Spirit, and a lot of fun.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Serious Like A Heart Attack

April 14, 2011

Thursday night at the Healing Rooms in downtown Kennewick and no one wants to go out treasure hunting with me. I wonder why; its cold and the gusty wind makes it feel colder. I should have worn a warmer coat. I wanted to stay inside but felt that I must go out. It seems like a mini-revival is starting on the streets down here and I had to see what God was up to tonight. Awesome, Roger didn’t want to see me go out alone so he decided to join me.

We listened for the clues (words of knowledge) that Holy Spirit gave us and wrote them down on our treasure maps. The ones I’ll share about are black on top, daughter, black and white hat, ball cap, lower back pain and a name J_ _ _ . At the door I asked Brett, one of the Healing Rooms leaders, “Which way should we go - left or right?” He thought for a second, and said, “left”.

We turned left, went half a block, and found a couple that matched some of our clues. As Roger approached them, one of them asked him, “Are you treasure hunting?” He said yes, and they said, “We don’t want any.” Not too good of a start. L We kept walking west, crossed the street across from the Sports Page tavern, and then we noticed a person at the end of the block that was wearing black on top.

It turned out to be three guys gathered in a doorway trying to get out of the wind. The guy on the left was black, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt; definitely black on top.  The guy on the right was also in black with a black and white hat, a ball cap.  We had found our treasure.  What happened next was the mind blower.  Two weeks before Cindy and I had found this same young man, Matt, along with two other guys named Levi and Shannon.  Matt had split as soon as he found out they were the treasure and we wanted to pray for them.  Levi and Shannon both had an encounter with Holy Spirit and then went and told him what happened.  I told them to tell Matt that he could run but he couldn’t hide, God had his number.

Now fast forward and this same young man, Matt, is saying, “I can’t believe it’s you!  Oh man!”  At the same time Roger is talking to the black man whose name was Albert explaining what we are doing and how we had his description.  It was apparent that we were focusing on Albert so Matt said “I’m not leaving this time, I gotta see this”.  We then asked if any of the letters we had for names fit any of them.  The black guy, Albert, said he had a daughter whose name started with a “J”, her name is “JAEL”.  We then showed him that on our maps we had the clue of “J” followed by three dashes for his daughter’s name.  I told him we could fill in his daughters name right there.  I then said he really felt like somebody might have something going on that concerned a daughter. Albert was then going “oh man, oh man”.  “I’m from New York and I’m here because I have a one year old daughter by a woman here in Kennewick”.  We queried a little more about the relationship and he proceeds to tell us it was really rocky and he and the mother were at odds most of the time.  We asked if we could pray for him and he said yes.   It was pretty obvious he had been raised to be respectful as he was very well mannered.  Roger prayed for him first and then I prayed...  The tears were running down his face like a flood.  When we were done we blessed him and then he said he had to go inside to use the restroom (maybe gather his composure?)  The guy in the back split with him and then we turned out attention to the young guy, Matt.  As we talked to him about what had happened two weeks ago and what had just happened, Roger asked if he needed prayer.  He said his back had been hurting ever since that night two weeks ago.  Roger then showed him his treasure map with lower back on it; he said “how do you guys do that?”  We explained we don’t do anything, God does it.  So I asked if I could pray for him.  He consented and after a fairly short prayer I asked him to check out his back.  He did and was in shock, the pain had left.

I then laid out the plan of salvation, asked if I could pray for him again, and then I stretched my hands out over his hands and prayed. Suddenly his mood had changed; he was no longer flippant and laughing; he was serious like a heart attack.  His face was dead serious.  I then asked him if he would like to receive the same Jesus who healed his back and whose power he had felt in his hands and he said, “yes.”  I then led him in prayer to receive Jesus.  We then invited him down to the Bridge Church the next Thursday for a bible and more prayer.

What just happened? God had showed up again and His presence manifested on the sidewalks of downtown Kennewick. I don’t feel so cold now!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Have You Been Reading My Facebook?

Mar 31, 2011

Cindy and I, as a prayer team, had just watched a ladies pain level drop from a “12” (her words) on a scale of 1 to 10, to zero! She had suffered from pain in multiple parts of her body. The pain was replaced with joy as Holy Spirit touched every part of her. I am part of the Healing Rooms prayer team that meets on Thursday nights in downtown Kennewick.

Back in the prayer room, I decided to go on a treasure hunt and Cindy wanted to join me. We got some treasure maps, prayed, wrote down the words of knowledge Holy Spirit gave us, and took off down the sidewalk. I believed there were some people God really wanted to touch tonight and it was our job to find them.

Outside, among the bars and clubs, the sounds of a Thursday night were quite different than inside the Healing Rooms. Instead of praise and worship music, we were bombarded with misc. curse words as we walked along. It was difficult tonight. We were finding some of our clues but the people were not open for prayer. We did pray for a woman with a soft cast on her wrist believing for a miracle, but she reported no change after we had prayed for her. Bummer. We continued on. I found the guy wearing the black boots, one of my clues. After he understood that the “treasure” we were looking for was someone God wanted to bless, he said “f*** Him” and walked away. We were about ready to go back in the healing rooms when we spotted a group of three guys just ahead of us not far from a tavern. One of the guys had some yellow/gold colors on his jacket. Maybe these are the guys we are looking for. We stopped them and told them what we up to. One of their names, Matt (he soon left) matched one of our clues. As we read them our other clues, family problem (father), sadness/depression, need for a job, and ankle pain, we realized the other two young men, Levi and Shannon, were God’s treasure we had been looking for.

We prayed for Levi first. After telling him about our good God and Father and sharing that He will never let us down as our earthly fathers do, I asked him to hold out his hand. I held my hand about 3” above his and invited Holy Spirit to make his presence known to him so he would know that God is real. His hand started to get warm as God touched him. Levi’s ankle had been shattered and because of the plates and screws, the pain never left. He told us his ankle always hurt. Cindy and I laid our hands on his ankle and commanded the pain to leave and in about 30 seconds, Levi was telling his friend that all the pain was now gone! Awesome God! You are awesome!

Then Cindy prayed and prophesied over Shannon. He got rocked with her words. He asked, “Have you guys been reading my Facebook?” as Holy Spirit began to give Cindy the words for him. Then we prayed for both of them to find jobs (another clue).

The glory of God had found us on the sidewalk a short distance from the tavern. God, you are so faithful. I love you.

P.S. Levi and Shannon, email me, there’s more!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Green Beer

Mar 17, 2011

Why all the cars? I just figured it out; St. Patrick’s Day. All the downtown Kennewick pubs must be serving green beer tonight. That’s why it so hard to find a parking place. On a normal Thursday night, we can park right next to The Bridge Church, home of Kennewick Healing Rooms, but not tonight.

Even though it’s cold out, I talked my wife Julie into a short “Treasure Hunt”. After a powerful time of prayer with the Healing Room staff, we got our clues (words of knowledge), filled out our treasure maps, and headed east down the sidewalk. Only a few people were outside but the bars looked full. We arrived at the Comedy Club at about the time a young man in his 20’s was just getting out of his car. He asked us if we knew if the club was open. It happened to be closed tonight. It turned out that he was a young comedian that wanted to try out for a job there. I noticed that he was wearing all blue clothing (one of our clues) so I told him he appeared to be on our treasure map and I asked him if he had back pain, which would be unusual in such a young man. He answered “yes” and it was at a level 5, on a scale of 1 to 10. His name also started with the letter M, another clue. With his permission, I twice laid my hands on his back and commanded the pain to leave and spoke to the muscles and nerves to be healed. He then started bending over, twisting from side to side, “to check it out”. All the pain had gone! Yes God!!!

What happened next was a first for me. I asked him to hold his hands out in front of him, palms up. I then held my hands about 3 inches over his and invited Holy Spirit to touch his hands in such a way that he could physically feel God’s presence. He felt something touch his hands and they started getting warm. He was getting rocked by God’s love in a physical way that he could actually feel. Then Julie and I got to share God’s love for him, prayed for job opportunities, and prophesied God’s destiny into his life. All three of us had a powerful God encounter on the sidewalk in front of the Comedy Club.

I know I was having a whole lot more fun than the people inside the pubs drinking their green beer. Christianity rocks!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Feb 17, 2011

Walkabout, what an odd word?  It sounds like something from an Australian movie. It’s the word that entered my mind at the end of the prayer time on a Thursday night at the Kennewick Healing Rooms. We had just finished a very powerful time of encountering Holy Spirit, ending with a fire tunnel. I believe the Lord wanted me to take a walk around the block. I asked my sister Terry if she wanted to take a quick “walkabout” to see what the Lord was up to. We were going on a Treasure Hunt with no map and no clues (words of knowledge).

There was no one outside except two guys taking a smoke break outside the Players Sports Bar on the other side of the street and a couple doors down. We circled up the street to the corner, crossed the street, and came back to the bar. We asked the Lord for words of knowledge or something to say to these two guys when got to them. Nothing – not a word.  God where are you?  Again, nothing.

As we got to the two guys, I said the first thought that entered my mind, “Which one of you guys has back pain?” After a moment of silence, one guy said, “That would be me.” Nice ice breaker, Holy Spirit. Then I said, “God wants to heal your back.” His friend then said, “You mean you hope God heals his back.” I said, “No, not hope, God is going to heal his back”. Then we found out that this 2nd guy also had back pain, knee pain, and other pain because of years of working construction. Terry asked if she could pray for him first. He had a level 7 lower back pain. Terry laid her hands on his back, commanded the pain to leave and invited the healing presence of Holy Spirit to come. Guess what? The guy got healed on the spot and he starts testifying to the guy standing in front of me that all his pain was gone. Then it was my turn. I did the same to the 1st guy who had level 6 upper back pain, and he got healed as well. What a good opportunity to share the love of Jesus with someone. The good news of the gospel is easy to share with someone that has just gotten healed. They seem to actually listen to what you have to say.

About 15 minutes after we had left, we were back in the Healing Rooms sharing the testimony of Jesus with His people. My short “walkabout” was a true spiritual journey.

Treasure Hunt via Cell Phone

Jan 30, 2011

It’s cold out, about 40 deg, so I figure there is not a chance anyone in their right mind is going to be hanging out in a park. For two our team of four, this was their first time treasure hunting. One of them had clues of big trees and slide so even though there would be no one outside, we would check out a couple parks before heading to our other clue of Walmart. The first park was empty so we headed to Keewaydin Park, across from Kennewick High School, as it has big trees and slides. We also had a clue of a circle. The street in the park ends with a large cul-de-sac. It was there that we found a man pushing a couple of young boys on the swings. From a distance we could see no other clues but as walked closer, one of the young boys had spiky hair which matched one of our clues.

I was trying to explain to the man that they were on our treasure map when I realized he could only speak Spanish. He got on his cell phone and in a short time I was talking to the mother of the boy with the spiked hair, trying to explain to her that the Lord had led us to her son by the clues on our treasure map. The tone in her voice did not sound happy as she told me that she would be there in five minutes. We went back to the car to warm up until she got to the park. I wondered if maybe she would bring the cops with her as it could appear that we were stalking her young son.

In about five minutes a car with about five people showed up. The mother of the young boy was very skeptical until she saw our other clues: We had clues for four of the five people in the car including her. We had names, the color of their clothing, discouraged about $$$, and pelvic pain. Our two new treasure hunters laid hands on the girl with the white top, prayed in the name of Jesus, and the pelvic pain left. We got to share the goodness of God with them, pray for every need, and released the kingdom into their lives. The Kingdom of God had invaded Keewaydin Park!!!

The young ladies on our team had received their first words of knowledge, got to lay hand of the sick, and see their first healing miracle. It was also my first Treasure Hunt via cell phone.

P.S. Walmart was awesome as well!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Treasure Hunting in Church, Kathy’s Story

Jan 16, 2011

Over the past few years, the Lord's healing has manifested in much of my body.  But pain kept returning in my right hip, knee, the bases of my thumbs, and my right foot (due to a bunion), plus the cataracts in my eyes had not yet cleared up.  Also, earlier in the week my husband and I had just found out we had water under our house and were given an estimate for $20,000 in repairs, plus our whole upstairs needed work which would amount to about $10,000.

Dave came to me last Sunday on a treasure hunt.  When he showed me the clues--word of knowledge--the Lord gave him and his partner, all NINE described me--including "house damage"!   My heart leapt when I realized that the Lord spoke to them specifically about me and that He wanted to bless me with more healing.  Immediately, the pain in my bunion--which was at about a 7--went down to around a 2.  And they hadn't even started praying yet!

I told Dave and Julie how the pain went down in my foot, so they started praying for the bunion first.  Soon the pain left completely.  As they continued to pray, I felt a gentle warmth and mild tingling sensation travel from my feet up my legs and into my hip.  The bunion joint had been stiff for months, and I hadn't been able to bend it forward or backward much without shooting pain.  After a few more minutes of prayer, the best way I can describe it is that the first toe joint felt "alive" and I wanted to wiggle and bend it.  So I did, and now I was able to bend it all the way forward and back with NO PAIN whatsoever!  Then I noticed that a mild nagging pain at the base of my thumbs was gone. 

The Lord's gentle warmth was still saturating my legs and hips, and I could now do deep knee bends without knee pain or needing to hold on!  Praise the Lord!  When we were finished praying Dave gave me a printed piece of paper with his blog address on it.  I could read it without my glasses!  My cataracts were a little bit clearer!  They are not completely clear, but they have noticeably improved.  Glory to God!   As I was traveling home, I realized that God strengthened my right hip during the prayer, too, because I was able to leap up stairs carrying a backpack without even holding on!   All thanks and praise to God! 

One other Word from the Lord was on Dave's list:  "lonely."  I had been trying to find fellowship and a church that believes God for His Word and acts on it.  In my home town, He has given me a prayer partner (which is why we have received so much healing these past few years), but that is all.  "Are we the only ones in this area?" we have often wondered.  A month ago I walked into Columbia Foursquare and found people who genuinely believe God's promises, and I started to get to know some of you wonderful people.  When I came for the second time last Sunday, I felt very much connected to this body of believers, and the loneliness disappeared.  Even though I don't live in the Tri-Cities and come here only once a month, the Lord has given me a church home full of strong believers to connect with.  God is Good

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

“There’s My Eagle!”

Jan 15, 2011

“There’s my eagle!” exclaimed Colby, the 10 year old boy on our treasure hunt team. He had spotted a bald eagle head on a ladies coat as she and another lady drove past on motorized carts. We were in the Kennewick Walmart store. We finally caught up with them in an isle of the grocery section. After they stopped we approached the lady with the eagle picture on her back and told her we believed she was on our treasure map. After explaining what we were up to, I started going through the rest of our clues (words of knowledge). I asked if she had hip pain. She said he hips were killing her. “How about knee pain”, I asked. Yes again. I also had the clue of joint pain. Her sister in the cart following her then said that they both suffered from osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease. Both of them were in pain.

After asking permission to pray for them, Colby was up. It was his clue that led us to this lady with the eagle clue, so I had him pray for her. He commanded the pain to go and prayed for healing to come in the name of Jesus. I then asked the second lady if I could pray for her. She asked prayer for her neck which was in extreme pain. I asked her, from a scale of 1 to 10, what her pain level was. She said it was a nine. I laid my hand on the back of her neck and command the pain to leave in Jesus name and invited Holy Spirit to come. I had her check it out by moving her neck around. She reported the pain level had dropped to a two. After praying one more time, the pain was totally gone. Yea God!

About that time, her sister in the other cart reported that all the pain had left her back! Awesome! There is no junior Holy Spirit. Colby’s prayer had been answered as well.

They then asked for one more prayer. Would we pray for their other sister? She had been diagnosed with brain cancer. I took both of their hands in mine and we had church right there in the grocery isle of Walmart.

Holy Spirit had led a 10 year old boy to Jesus’ hidden treasure and then poured His healing love on them. Just think of it; the God of the universe lets his people partner with what He wants to do, LOVE.