Monday, December 6, 2010

…. call 911


It’s Art Walk night in downtown Kennewick. It’s been a month since we went out so I was really looking forward to what God was going to do. Because the Bridge Church and Healing Rooms were closed tonight we decided to meet and pray at Roger and Terry’s home before going downtown to share the gospel of the kingdom. I even had Walmart as a clue tonight. It was going to be an awesome night. You won’t guess where we all ended up; the emergency room at Kennewick General Hospital.

While Terry and I were getting clues (words of knowledge) for our treasure maps, Roger went up on the roof of the new shop he was building to spread out a couple of tarps to keep any more snow and ice off of it. Terry mentioned to me that she didn’t feel good about him going up on that roof in the dark, with all the ice and snow. A couple minutes later she got a call on her cell phone from Roger for her to call 9-1-1. He had fallen from the roof and injured his back. All hell broke loose and chaos changed all our plans. I called for an ambulance, called for prayer support for Roger, called family, and we all headed for the hospital. The last thing I did before I left for the emergency room was to put my treasure map in my pocket.

One thing about an emergency room, you will find sick and hurting people there. While taking turns visiting and praying for Roger, I started looking at the people there. I noticed this young couple waiting their turn to see the doctor. I realized that they matched 2 of the clues on my treasure map: red/black and black hair. He had a red sweat shirt, she had a black one, and she had black hair. I watched them for awhile, took a step over my chicken line (got my courage up), and walked over to talk with them.

I explained what I was doing, and asked if either of them was suffering from pain in the head? The woman was there because of a severe migraine headache. I asked if she had a problem with her stomach area as well and she said she was suffering with nausea from the migraine. I had five clues for this couple and they said “Yes - pray.” I laid my hands on the lady and commanded the migraine to leave and invited the kingdom of heaven to invade that emergency room. I shared the love of Jesus with them and asked her how she was doing? There was no instant change in her pain level but I watched how they were doing as I went back to our group. Within 30 minutes they got up and left the hospital. Thank you Jesus! The seed of the kingdom had been planted!

As for Roger: He had broken three vertebrae in his back and was in much pain. He came home in two days with just a back brace to wear until he’s totally recovered. However, he had prayed for the ambulance driver and two different nurses during his ordeal. Even in the midst of chaos and pain, God’s kingdom was there.