June 3, 2010
The first Thursday of the month in downtown Kennewick is “Art Walk”. All the galleries and artists have open houses and display their art works on into the evening. On this evening, a large group of young kids were playing music and there were a lot of people enjoying the performance. What a perfect night for a treasure hunt!
After a time of worship and prayer with the Healing Room people, Julie and I sat at a table in the Bridge Church and wrote down the clues Holy Spirit gave us. Terry joined us a little late. There was a young lady named Shelley just hanging out listening to the music so I asked her if she wanted to join us. She had never gone treasure hunting before. She said yes. I gave her a map, prayed for her, and told her to write down any clues she felt Holy Spirit was giving her. She wrote down a name and “knee” for something that someone might need prayer for. I wanted her to get one more clue so I told her to look at the stick man on the treasure map and to draw an arrow towards a part of the body and God would give her one more clue. She drew an arrow to the “arm” of the stick man. A few of the clues on my map was the name “Paul”, “knee”, and a drawing of a “skull”. The “skull” drawing looked like something one might find as a tattoo on someone. Very weird clue!
We joined the crowd of people on the corner listening to the kids playing their music. In that large crowd there was a lady with a soft cast on her arm. Maybe she was the clue on Shelley’s map. While Julie and Terry were praying for another lady, Shelley and I approached the lady with the cast on her arm. We told her that God had highlighted her to us and that we believed she was God’s treasure. We showed her Shelley’s drawing with the arrow towards the arm and asked her about the other clues. I asked her if the name “Paul” meant anything to her. She pointed towards her son-in-law seated in front of us. His name was Paul. Her daughter had a bad “knee” and she was seated next to Paul. The weird clue “skull” was her grandson. He walked up to us and there was a large picture of a “skull” on his tee shirt. It looked just like the drawing on my map. Holy Spirit had given us clues for her and her whole family.
At that time she knew something supernatural was going on and she opened up to us about her life. She told us of the surgeries and the battle with breast cancer. The next step for her was total disability. We told her that God had led us to her for a reason and that Jesus loved her so much He picked her out of that large crowd of people. We had a prayer meeting right there on the sidewalk. We even got to pray for her daughter’s knee. Holy Spirit revealed to this lady that God loved her and that she was special to Him. She was so special that Jesus died on a cross for her salvation and healing.
God used the brand new Treasure Hunter, Shelley to lead us to His “Treasure”.
Our group of Treasure Hunter had the privilege of praying for four other people that night. This was an example of one of them. God is so awesome!