Thursday was an off day during our mission trip to Kimbo, Nairobi, Kenya. Only a few more days and our group of 14 from Columbia Foursquare Church would start our long plane ride home. I was not looking forward to being stuck in those small airline seats for the flight home.
Our bus went all around Nairobi taking us to tourist sites like the elephant orphanage, Giraffe Park, shopping, and other fun places. A couple of times our bus hit some rough places in the road and those of us in the back of the bus took a pretty good jolt.

Odd, when I got out of bed Friday morning it felt like I had bruised my tailbone. It must have been the bus ride from the day before, or so I thought. The soreness did not get any better all that day.
When I got up Saturday morning I knew I was in trouble. I was in a lot of pain and it felt like I had two tailbones as I now had a hard lump that wasn't there the day before. I could not sit down without awful pain. My brother-in-law, Roger, would have to take a look to see what was going on. I didn't want to traumatize him too bad but I was desperate to find out what was happening to me. He took a look and said, "Oh, I gotta get a picture of this. It looks like you've been bitten by a spider." I had an open wound where I had been bitten and a large lump beneath the skin. Oh no! How was I going to get on the airplane the next day. I could not sit without terrible pain and the spider’s venom was invading my body.
Tip: When in Africa, always shake out your clothes before you put them on, and do not leave your luggage lying on the floor of your room, unzipped. Little crawling things can get into your clothing!!
I had seen many healing miracles during the week but now the need was very personal. I had no access to a doctor, fear was coming against my mind, and I knew I was in trouble. I turned to the only one who could help: God. I also started taking some antibiotics that I brought for traveler’s diarrhea and applied some bug bite lotion and medicine others on the team had brought with them.
Thank God for believers that believe God still heals today. I had members of our CFC team lay hands on me and pray for my healing and I also contacted my wife to have the intercessors at home start praying for me as well. In the back of my mind I knew I had to get on the planes and sit for 20 plus hours. Help God!
All day Saturday as our team taught and ministered to others, I felt no change in my body. The pain and the lump were there all day. I would have to leave the next day no matter what.
I awoke Sunday morning to find the pain almost completely gone and the lump had shrunk by 90% overnight. I had Roger take another look at the wound. He took a look and exclaimed, "It's a miracle!" The bite wound was gone! I now had new pink skin where the day before was a nasty, festering bite wound. My God showed up again and this time it was for me. Thank You, thank You, thank You, Papa God. You are awesome!
The plane ride home was longer than scheduled due to weather delays so I sat even longer than expected. Although there was a slight tenderness due to what was left of the lump, I did fine. The following day the remaining lump due to the venom was also completely gone. God's healing miracle for me was complete!
I've got the best Dad in the whole world!